bazel build ‘...‘

2024-06-23 08:44
文章标签 bazel build

本文主要是介绍bazel build ‘...‘,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Okay, let’s discuss the Bazel build command: bazel build ‘…’.

Bazel Build Command:
The bazel build command is used to build the targets (e.g., libraries, binaries, tests) specified in a Bazel-based project.
Target Selection:
The ‘…’ part of the command is a target pattern that selects all the targets in the current Bazel project.
This is a shorthand way of building all the targets in the project.
Build Process:
When you run bazel build ‘…’, Bazel will:
Analyze the dependencies between the targets in the project.
Determine the order in which the targets need to be built.
Compile the source code and link the necessary libraries and binaries.
Bazel has a built-in caching system that helps speed up subsequent builds by reusing previously built artifacts.
If the inputs to a target (e.g., source files, dependencies) have not changed since the last build, Bazel will use the cached results instead of rebuilding the target.
Bazel will output the built artifacts (e.g., binaries, libraries) to the Bazel-managed output directory, which is usually located at bazel-bin by default.
You can access the built artifacts from this directory for further use or deployment.
Incremental Builds:
Bazel supports incremental builds, which means that it will only rebuild the targets that have changed or that depend on changed targets.
This can significantly speed up the build process, especially for large projects.
Parallel Execution:
Bazel can leverage multiple CPU cores to build targets in parallel, further improving the build speed.
Error Handling:
If any errors occur during the build process, Bazel will report the errors and provide information to help you diagnose and fix the issues.

By running bazel build ‘…’, you can build the entire Bazel-based project, taking advantage of Bazel’s caching, incremental build, and parallel execution features to optimize the build process. This command is a common starting point for building and developing Bazel-based applications and libraries.通过运行bazel build ‘…’,您可以构建整个基于 Bazel 的项目,利用 Bazel 的缓存、增量构建和并行执行功能来优化构建过程。此命令是构建和开发基于 Bazel 的应用程序和库的常用起点。

这篇关于bazel build ‘...‘的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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