
2024-06-22 00:48


Latest NetSuite Release Introduces Quality Management


NetSuite 产品群QQ:779253701

Designing, manufacturing and delivering a product of high quality doesn’t happen by accident, it requires a companywide commitment. In the 17.2 release, NetSuite is pleased to introduce the Quality Management System (QMS), which has been designed to help deliver the highest quality products without the overhead typically associated with traditional QMS solutions. This new offering is available now to all NetSuite users and is targeted at the following user profiles:


  • Quality Administrator 
  • 质量管理员
    • It’s the responsibility of the Administrator to establish and maintain the quality specifications that should be adhered to, create inspection profiles of tests that are typically carried out together and the workflows that determine how exceptions might be handled.
    • 建立和维护应该被遵循的质量标准,创建应该被执行的检验测试文件和决定如何处理例外的工作流,是管理员的职责。 
  • Quality Manager 
  • 质量经理
    • During the day-to-day running of your business, the Quality Manager is responsible for monitoring the overall effectiveness of your quality program, detecting trends in test results and ensuring overall compliance with your companies quality objectives and standards. 
    • 在每天业务运行期间,质量经理负责监控整个质量程序的效率、监测测试结果的趋势、确保完全遵循公司质量目标和标准。
  • Quality Engineer 
  • 质量工程师
    • Collecting all that key data is the job of the Quality Engineer or Inspector. NetSuite will automatically notify them when something needs to be inspected and guide them down the appropriate path of resolution when it comes to dispositioning failed and non-compliant materials. 
    • 收集所有关键数据是质量工程师或者检验员的工作。NetSuite将在需要检验时,自动通知他们,并引导他们在遇到处理不合格或合规的材料时应执行的方案。
If you’ve ever tried to deploy a QMS solution, you know that trying to do so is quite the undertaking – these are typically point solutions that are integrated to an ERP system, but end up only being used by employees who are directly involved in the quality process. As mentioned above, adherence to quality requires a companywide commitment, so by building a QMS system in NetSuite on the SuiteCloud Platform provides unparalleled value to our customer base and offers them the ability to quickly and easily deploy a solution that is accessible by all – and uses the same interface that they know and love.

When it comes to determining the true Cost of Quality, product companies rightly tend to focus on analyzing product defect cost – in reality, the correct method should be to take a holistic lean approach and look at removing waste from every business process. The Total Cost of Quality of your business can be optimized ONLY by ensuring that all business processes follow a similar flow and many NetSuite customers have said that once you learn how to process one transaction type, you can do them all with very minimal additional input.

So, when you decide to use our embedded QMS solution to help increase the quality of the products that you design, manufacture or deliver – promise me that you’ll make that the start of your pursuit of optimal Total Cost of Quality, not the end of it.





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