OCLint的部分规则(Redundant 部分)

2024-06-21 04:18
文章标签 规则 部分 redundant oclint

本文主要是介绍OCLint的部分规则(Redundant 部分),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

OCLint的部分规则(Redundant 部分)


OCLint-iOS-OC项目几种简单使用OCLint的部分规则(Basic 部分)
OCLint的部分规则(Unuseed 部分)OCLint的部分规则(Size 部分)
OCLint的部分规则(Redundant 部分)OCLint的部分规则(Naming 部分)
OCLint的部分规则(Migration 部分)OCLint的部分规则(Empty 部分)
OCLint的部分规则(Design 部分)OCLint的部分规则(Convention 部分)
OCLint的部分规则(CoCoa 部分)

1、redundant conditional operator

      Since:0.6 定义类传送门~点击

This rule detects three types of redundant conditional operators:

  1. true expression and false expression are returning true/false or false/true respectively;
  2. true expression and false expression are the same constant;
  3. true expression and false expression are the same variable expression.

They are usually introduced by mistake, and should be simplified.


比如: 1.true对应truefalse对应false

           2 . true对应falsefalse对应true

           3 . truefalse一致。

    void example(int a, int b, int c) {bool b1 = a > b ? true : false;     // true/false: bool b1 = a > b;bool b2 = a > b ? false : true;     // false/true: bool b2 = !(a > b);int i1 = a > b ? 1 : 1;             // same constant: int i1 = 1;float f1 = a > b ? 1.0 : 1.00;      // equally constant: float f1 = 1.0;int i2 = a > b ? c : c;             // same variable: int i2 = c;}
2、redundant if statement

      Since:0.4 定义类传送门~点击

This rule detects unnecessary if statements.


    bool example(int a, int b) {if (a == b)             // this if statement is redundant{return true;}  else   {return false;}                       // the entire method can be simplified to return a == b;}
3、redundant local variable

      Since:0.4 定义类传送门~点击

This rule detects cases where a variable declaration is immediately followed by a return of that variable.


    int example(int a) {int b = a * 2;return b;   // variable b is returned immediately after its declaration,}
4、redundant nil check

      Since:0.7 定义类传送门~点击

C/C++-style null check in Objective-C like foo != nil && [foo bar] is redundant, since sending a message to a nil object in this case simply returns a false-y value.


    + (void)compare:(A *)obj1 withOther:(A *)obj2  {if (obj1 && [obj1 isEqualTo:obj2]) // if ([obj1 isEqualTo:obj2]) is okay   {}}
5、 unnecessary else statement

      Since:0.6 定义类传送门~点击

When an if statement block ends with a return statement, or all branches in the if statement block end with return statements, then the else statement is unnecessary. The code in the else statement can be run without being in the block.


    bool example(int a) {if (a == 1)                 // if (a == 1){                           // {cout << "a is 1.";      //     cout << "a is 1.";return true;            //     return true;}                           // }else                        //{                           //cout << "a is not 1."   // cout << "a is not 1."}                           //}
6、unnecessary null check for dealloc

      Since:0.8 定义类传送门~点击

char* p = 0; delete p;isvalid.Thisrulelocatesunnecessaryif (p)checks.


    void m(char* c) {if (c != nullptr) { // and be simplified to delete c;delete c;}}
7、 useless parentheses

      Since:0.6 定义类传送门~点击

This rule detects useless parentheses.


    int example(int a) {int y = (a + 1);    // int y = a + 1;if ((y > 0))        // if (y > 0){return a;}return (0);         // return 0;}


    BOOL aaaa = YES;BOOL bbbb = NO;if((aaaa) && (bbbb)) {return YES;}

这篇关于OCLint的部分规则(Redundant 部分)的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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标记:该篇文章全部搬自如下网址:http://www.crystalradio.cn/thread-321839-1-1.html,谢谢啦            里面关于中文接收的部分,大家可以好好学习下,题主也在研究中................... Commport;设置或返回串口号。 SettingS:以字符串的形式设置或返回串口通信参数。 Portopen:设置或返回串口