
2024-06-17 12:12



  • WX公zhong号:生信学习者
  • Xiao hong书:生信学习者
  • 知hu:生信学习者
  • CDSN:生信学习者2





  • 百度网盘链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1f1SyyvRfpNVO3sLYEblz1A
  • 提取码: 请关注WX公zhong号_生信学习者_后台发送 复现msm 获取提取码

R packages required

  • ComplexHeatmap

  • grid

R packages optional

  • viridis

  • circlize

Visualize species relative abundances (or presence/absence) by plotting ComplexHeatmap

使用complexheatmap_plotting_funcs.R 画图。


示例1: Visualize Prevotellaceae community

指定一个由MetaPhlAn量化的Prevotellaceae物种相对丰度的矩阵表matrix table。可选地,还可以提供一个与矩阵表matrix table逐行匹配的行分组文件row-grouping file,以及一个与矩阵表逐列匹配的列分组文件column-grouping file

prevotellaceae_mat <- "./data/prevotellaceae_matrix_4ComplexHeatmap.tsv"
prevotellaceae_row_groups <- "./data/prevotellaceae_matrix_4ComplexHeatmap_species_md.txt"
prevotellaceae_col_groups <- "./data/prevotellaceae_matrix_4ComplexHeatmap_sample_md.txt"

一旦指定了输入文件,现在我们可以使用可视化函数plot_complex_heatmap,该函数实现了ComplexHeatmap 来绘制热图,并附加其他信息,通过指定参数:

  • mat_file: the relative abundance file in metaphlan-style, [tsv file].
  • column_md: the column-grouping file in which each row matches the column of mat_file, [txt file].
  • row_md: the row-grouping file in which each row matches the row of mat_file, [txt file].
  • color_bar_name: the title for color bar scale, [string], default: [NULL].
  • transformation: the transformation function for values in mat_file, including log10([log10]), squared root arcsin ([sqrt_asin]) and binary([binary]), default: [NULL].
  • font_style: the font style for all labels in the plot, [string], default: [“Arial”].
  • font_size: the font size for all labels in the plot, [int], default: [11].
  • show_col_names: display column names, [TRUE/FALSE], default: [TRUE].
  • show_row_names: display row names, [TRUE/FALSE], default: [TRUE].
  • row_names_side: specify the side you would like to place row names, [string], default: [left].
  • column_names_side: specify the side you would like to place row names, [string], default: [bottom].
  • cluster_columns: cluster columns where values are similar, [TRUE/FALSE], default: [FALSE].
  • cluster_rows: cluster rows where values are similar, [TRUE/FALSE], default: [FALSE].
  • cluster_row_slices: reorder row-wise slices (you can call them batches too) where values of slices are similar, [TRUE/FALSE], default: [FALSE].
  • cluster_column_slices: reorder column-wise slices (you can call them batches too) where values of slices are similar, [TRUE/FALSE], default: [FALSE].
  • color_func: define custom color function to show values, default: [NULL].
  • border: add board to the plot, [TRUE/FALSE], default: [FALSE].
  • row_gap: control gap distance between row slices if you used row_md argument, [float], default: [1].
  • column_gap: control gap distance between column slices if you used column_md argument, [float], default: [1].
  • width: control the width of the whole complex heatmap, [float], default: [1].
  • height: control the height of the whole complex heatmap, [float], default: [1].


col_func <- viridis::viridis(100) # define the color palette using viridis function.plot_complex_heatmap(prevotellaceae_mat,color_bar_name = "relative abundance (log10)",row_md = prevotellaceae_row_groups,column_md = prevotellaceae_col_groups,show_col_names = FALSE,show_row_names = TRUE,width = 2,height = 4,row_names_side = "left",cluster_columns = TRUE,cluster_column_slices = FALSE,cluster_rows = FALSE,cluster_row_slices = FALSE,border = FALSE,row_gap = 2,column_gap = 2,color_func = col_func,transformation = "log10")


示例2: Visualize presence and absence of a group of species across global populations

现在,我们将使用相同的策略来可视化全球人群中在存在和缺失方面重要的一系列物种。分类学矩阵文件 taxonomic matrix file包含了60种在MSM、西方化或非西方化个体中发现富集的物种,它们的组别可以在行分组文件row-group file中找到。此外,分类学矩阵文件taxonomic matrix file中的大约1000个样本来自MSM和10个国家,它们的组别可以在列分组文件column-grouping file中找到。

global_mat <- "./data/global_enrichment_matrix.tsv"
global_row_md <- "./data/global_enrichment_matrix_rownames.tsv"
global_col_md <- "./data/global_enrichment_matrix_colnames.tsv"col_func <- circlize::colorRamp2(c(0, 1), hcl_palette = "Blues", reverse = T)plot_complex_heatmap(global_mat,row_md = global_row_md,column_md = global_col_md,show_col_names = F,show_row_names = TRUE,width = 0.2,height = 3,row_names_side = "left",column_names_side = "top",cluster_columns = F,cluster_column_slices = F,cluster_rows = F,cluster_row_slices = F,border = T,row_gap = 2,column_gap = 2,color_func = col_func2,transformation = "binary")






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XMG 绘制形状

1. 除非是绘制曲线直接使用原生的。如果绘制形状直接使用UIBezerPath  2. 命名原则,类方法以类名开头 UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect 3.圆角半径 画圆的大小 以每个顶点为圆心。给定的半径为半径画一个1/4圆。把周边的给切掉 4.只有封闭的形状调用这个方法才有用 [path fill] 5. stroke 描边一下


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将知乎专栏文章转换为 Markdown 文件保存到本地

一、参考内容 参考知乎文章`代码 | 将知乎专栏文章转换为 Markdown 文件保存到本地,利用代码为GitHub:https://github.com/chenluda/zhihu-download。 二、步骤 1.首先安装包flask、flask-cors、markdownify 2. 运行app.py 3.在浏览器中打开链接,并填写URL和Cookies 获取Cookies的步


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