Java --- serial port communication example codes

2024-06-15 08:48

本文主要是介绍Java --- serial port communication example codes,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

/** public SerialBean(int PortID) 
本函数构造一个指向特定串口的SerialBean,该串口由参数PortID所指定。PortID = 1 表示COM1,PortID = 2 表示COM2,由此类推。 
public int Initialize() 
本函数初始化所指定的串口并返回初始化结果。如果初始化成功返回1,否则返回-1。初始化的结果是该串口被SerialBean独占性使用,其参数被设置为9600, N, 8, 1。如果串口被成功初始化,则打开一个进程读取从串口传入的数据并将其保存在缓冲区中。 
public String ReadPort(int Length) 
public void WritePort(String Msg) 
public void ClosePort() 
本函数停止串口检测进程并关闭串口。*/package serial;import*;import*;/**** This bean provides some basic functions to implement full dulplex information* exchange through the srial port.**/
public class SerialBean {public final int DEFAULT_BAUT_RATE = 115200;private String portName;private CommPortIdentifier portId;private SerialPort serialPort;// staticprivate OutputStream out;// staticprivate InputStream in;// staticpublic int baudRate;private SerialBuffer serialBuffer;private SerialReader serialReader;/**** Constructor** @param portID*            the ID of the serial to be used. 1 for COM1, 2 for COM2, etc.**/public SerialBean(int portID) {this.portName = "COM" + portID;this.baudRate = DEFAULT_BAUT_RATE;}public SerialBean(int portID, int baudRate) {this.portName = "COM" + portID;this.baudRate = baudRate;}/**** This function initialize the serial port for communication. It starts a* thread which consistently monitors the serial port. Any signal captured* from the serial port is stored into a buffer area.**/public boolean initializePort() {try {portId = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(portName);try {serialPort = (SerialPort)"Serial_Communication",2000);} catch (PortInUseException e) {System.err.println(e.toString());return false;}// Use InputStream in to read from the serial port, and OutputStream// out to write to the serial port.try {in = serialPort.getInputStream();out = serialPort.getOutputStream();} catch (IOException e) {System.err.println(e.toString());return false;}// Initialize the communication parameters to 9600, 8, 1, none.try {serialPort.setSerialPortParams(baudRate, SerialPort.DATABITS_8,SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE);} catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e) {System.err.println(e.toString());return false;}} catch (NoSuchPortException e) {System.err.println("Port Name : " + portName);System.err.println("Port Id : " + portId);System.err.println(e.toString());return false;}// when successfully open the serial port, create a new serial buffer,// then create a thread that consistently accepts incoming signals from// the serial port. Incoming signals are stored in the serial buffer.serialBuffer = new SerialBuffer();serialReader = new SerialReader(serialBuffer, in);serialReader.start();// return success information//System.out.println("initialize port ok");return true;}/**** This function returns a string with a certain length from the incomin* messages.** @param length*            The length of the string to be returned.**/public String readMsgFromPort(int length) {while (serialBuffer == null)try {Thread.sleep(10);System.out.println("wait for serial Buffer initialization");} catch (InterruptedException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}String Msg;Msg = serialBuffer.readMsgFromSerialBuffer(length);return Msg;}/**** This function sends a message through the serial port.** @param Msg*            The string to be sent.**/public void writeMsgToPort(String Msg) {try {for (int i = 0; i < Msg.length(); i++)out.write(Msg.charAt(i));} catch (IOException e) {}}/**** This function closes the serial port in use.**/public void closePort() {// RT.stop();serialPort.close();}

package serial;public class SerialBuffer {public StringBuffer serialBuffer = new StringBuffer();private String currentMsg, remainedBuffer;private boolean isAvailable = false;private int lengthNeeded = 1;/**** This function returns a string with a certain length from the incomin* messages.** @param Length*            The length of the string to be returned.**/public synchronized String readMsgFromSerialBuffer(int Length) {lengthNeeded = Length;notifyAll();if (lengthNeeded > serialBuffer.length()) {isAvailable = false;while (isAvailable == false) {try {wait();} catch (InterruptedException e) {}}}currentMsg = serialBuffer.substring(0, lengthNeeded);remainedBuffer = serialBuffer.substring(lengthNeeded);serialBuffer.setLength(0);serialBuffer.append(remainedBuffer);lengthNeeded = 1;notifyAll();return currentMsg;}/**** This function stores a character captured from the serial port to the* buffer area.** @param t*            The char value of the character to be stored.**/public synchronized void writeCharToSerialBuffer(int c) {serialBuffer = serialBuffer.append((char) c);if (lengthNeeded < serialBuffer.length()) {isAvailable = true;}notifyAll();}

package serial;import*;/**** This class reads message from the specific serial port and save the message* to the serial buffer.**/
public class SerialReader extends Thread {private SerialBuffer comSerialBuffer;private InputStream comPortInputStream;/**** Constructor** @param serialBuffer*            The buffer to save the incoming messages.* @param portInputStream*            The InputStream from the specific serial port.**/public SerialReader(SerialBuffer serialBuffer, InputStream portInputStream) {comSerialBuffer = serialBuffer;comPortInputStream = portInputStream;}public void run() {int c;try {while (true) {c =;comSerialBuffer.writeCharToSerialBuffer(c);}} catch (IOException e) {}}


	private char readOneByteFromPort() {return serialBean.readMsgFromPort(1).charAt(0);}

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