
2024-06-12 20:48
文章标签 数据挖掘 专家 一览


Jiawei Han 个人主页: http://www-sal.cs.uiuc.edu/~hanj/
Professor, Department of Computer Science
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rm 2132, Siebel Center for Computer Science
201 N. Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801, USA
E-mail: hanj[at]cs.uiuc.edu
Ph.D. (1985), Computer Science, Univ. Wisconsin-Madison
Research Projects
Mining Sequential and Structured Patterns: Scalability, Flexibility, Extensi
bility and Applicability
This project is to perform a systematic investigation of the principles, alg
orithms, and applications of scalable sequential and structured pattern mini
ng, which covers the following issues: (1) development of highly scalable mi
ning algorithms, including mining max-patterns, closed patterns and top-k pa
tterns; (2) investigation of highly flexible mining methodologies, including
mining of multi-dimensional multi-level sequential and structured patterns
and constraint-based mining; (3) extension of the scope to cover sequential
or structured pattern-based clustering; and (4) application of multi-dimensi
onal, multi-level sequential or structured pattern mining for intrusion dete
ction, Web mining, and other important applications. This will lead to a set
of efficient, scalable, and flexible sequential and structured pattern mini
ng methods for scientific and industrial applications.
Mining Dynamics of Data Streams in Multi-Dimensional Space
The proposed project is based on our long-term active research, strong resea
rch record, fruitful research results, and rich experience on data mining, d
ata warehousing, database systems, and data mining applications, as well as
our preliminary work on multi-dimensional stream data analysis. Due to the f
ast generation of huge volumes of stream data in many applications, such as
computer network traffic, video surveillance, telecommunication, Web clickin
g stream, stock market, and so on, stream data mining has become an active t
heme of research in data mining, with broad applications in industry and dee
p implications in other related research. This project will perform a system
atic and in-depth investigation on the principles, methods, and implementati
on techniques for mining data stream dynamics, which will lead to deep under
standing of the issues and effective solutions for mining the dynamics of da
ta streams in multi-dimensional space. The project will further advance the
knowledge of the principles, methods, and applications of stream data mining
in particular and data mining in general.
MAIDS: Mining Alarming Incidents in Data Streams (with NCSA/UIUC)
The MAIDS (Mining Alarming Incidents in Data Streams) project is aimed to pe
rform a systematic investigation of stream data mining principles and algori
thms, develop effective, efficient, and scalable methods for mining the dyna
mics of data streams, and implement a system prototype for online multi-dime
nsional stream data mining applications. This project will develop and imple
ment some new and existing algorithms to discover changes, trends and evolut
ion characteristics in data streams, construct clusters and classification m
odels from data streams, and explore frequent patterns and similarities amon
g data streams. The methods developed by this project will be applied to net
work intrusion detection, telecommunication data flow analysis, credit card
fraud prevention, Web click streams analysis, financial data trend predictio
n, and other applications.
Mining Database Structures and Linkages
Spatiotemporal data mining
周志华,男,1973年11月生。分别于1996年6月、1998年6月和2000年12月于 南京大学
计算机科学与技术系 获学士、硕士和博士学位。2001年1月起留校任教。2002年3月破格
晋升副教授,2003年11月被聘任为教授,2004年4月获博士生导师资格。现任 人工智能
教研室 主任。南京航天航空大学 兼职教授、澳大利亚 Deakin大学 名誉研究员。
文 40余篇。现任国际刊物 Knowledge and Information Systems (Springer出版社) 副
编辑、Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Elsevier出版社) 和 International
Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (Idea Group出版社) 编委,以及包括权威
刊物 Artificial Intelligence 和多种IEEE Transactions在内的二十余家国际刊物的
兰科学研究基金会 等机构的课题申请评议专家。曾担任 第7届中国机器学习会议 组织
委员会主席、第9届中国机器学习会议 程序委员会共同主席、十余个国际会议程序委员
员会副主任,IEEE、IEEE计算机协会 会员。
曾获 微软中国研究院 首届“微软学者”奖 (1999)、首届江苏省优秀硕士学位论文奖(
2001)、 第七届中创软件人才奖 (2002)、江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师计划
(2002)、第五届全国优秀博士学位论文奖 (2003)、教育部优秀青年教师资助计划 (200
3)、第九届霍英东青年教师基金 (2004)、第六届江苏省优秀科技工作者 (2004)等。20
03年获 国家杰出青年科学基金。
401B, MengMinwei Science Building II, Main Campus of Nanjing University
Nanjing 210093, China
zhouzh@nju.edu.cn or zhouzh@lamda.nju.edu.cn
Research Interest
My current research interests mainly include machine learning, data mining,
pattern recognition, information retrieval, neural computing, and evolutiona
ry computing
Department of Computer Science & Technology, Nanjing University, China
Nov. 2003 - present
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science & Technology, Nanjing University, China
Mar. 2002 - Oct. 2003
Department of Computer Science & Technology, Nanjing University, China
Jan. 2001 - Feb. 2002
AI Lab, Department of Computer Science & Technology, Nanjing University, China
May 2002 - present
Visiting Professor
Intelligent Information Processing Laboratory, Fudan University, China
Mar.2004 - Apr. 2004
Visiting Scholar
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, CAS, China
Mar.2003 - Apr. 2003
Visiting Research Fellow
School of Computing & Mathematics, Deakin University, Australia
this school was re-named as School of Information Technology in Jan.2003
Jun.2002 - Aug. 2002
Adjunct Professor
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Jun.2004 - present
Honorary Fellow
Deakin University, Australia
Nov.2002 - present

Jon Kleinberg (link analysis, clustering, ...)
Jeffrey Ullman (rule mining, ...)
(his DM course is interesting, and it's said that he is writing a dm book)
S. Muthu Muthukrishnan: online algorithms for mining
Rajeev Motwani: online algorithms for mining
Rajeev Rastogi: classification, clustering, rule mining, ...
Christos Faloutsos: time-series mining, graph mining, ...

Name Organization     Country
Abraham Meidan     WizSoft     Israel
Achim Hoffmann     University of New South Wales     Australia
Akira Shimazu     Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology     Japan
Aleksandar Lazarević     University of Minnesota     USA
Alok Choudhary     Northwestern University     USA
AnHai Doan     University Illinois Urbana     USA
Anoop Singhal     Monmouth University     USA
Assaf Schuster     Israel Institute of Technology     Israel
Bart Goethals     University of Antwerp     Belgium
Benjamin W. Wah     University of Illinois     USA
Bo Zhang     Tsinghua University     China
Boonserm Kijsirikul     Chulalongkorn University     Thailand
Carla E. Brodley     Tufts University     USA
Charles Elkan     University of California     USA
Chengqi Zhang     University of Technology Sydney     Australia
Chris Ding     Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     USA
Christian Borgelt     Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg     Germany
Christopher W. Clifton     Purdue University     USA
Daniel Boley     University of Minnesota     USA
David J. Hand     Imperial College     UK
David Skillicorn     Queen's University     Canada
Deepak K. Agarwal     AT&T Labs     USA
Dennis D. Cox     Rice University     USA
Dharmendra S. Modha     IBM Almaden Research Center     USA
Dimitrios Gunopulos     University of California     USA
Dino Pedreschi     University of Pisa     Italy
Djamel A. Zighed     University Lyon 2     France
Doheon Lee     Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology     Korea
Domenico Talia     Universit? della Calabria     Italy
Ee-Peng Lim     University of Minnesota     USA
Eibe Frank     University of Waikato     New Zealand
El-Ghazali Talbi     Universit? des Sciences et Technologies de Lille     France
Ferenc Bodon     Budapest University of Technology and Economics     Hungary
Floriana Esposito     University of Bari     Italy
Gabriele Kern-Isberner     University of Dortmunt     Germany
Geoffrey I. Webb     Monash University     Australia
George Karypis     University of Minnesota     USA
Graham J. Williams     Australian Taxation Office     Australia
Greg Ridgeway     RAND Statistics Group     USA
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro     KDnuggets     USA
Guozhu Dong     Wright State University     USA
G鰏ta Grahne     Concordia University     Canada
Haesun Park     University of Minnesota     USA
Haixun Wang     IBM T. J. Watson Research Center     USA
Hannu T.T. Toivonen     University of Helsinki     Finland
Heikki Mannila     Helsinki University of Technology     Finland
Hillol Kargupta     University of Maryland     USA
Hiroki Arimura     Hokkaido University     Japan
Hiroshi Motoda     Osaka University     Japan
Hiroyuki Kawano     Nanzan University     Japan
Honghua Dai     Deakin University     Australia
Hongjun Lu     Hong Kong University of Science and Technology     China
Huan Liu     Arizona State University     USA
Inderjit S. Dhillon     University of Texas     USA
Jacob Kogan     University of Maryland     USA
Jan Rauch     University of Economics     Czech Republic
Jean-Fran鏾is Boulicaut     Institut National des Sciences Appliqu閑s de Lyon     France
Jeffrey D. Ullman     Stanford University     USA
Jes鷖 S. Aguilar-Ruiz     University of Seville     Spain
Jian Pei     University at Buffalo     USA
Jiawei Han     University of Illinois     USA
Jinyan Li     Institute for Infocomm Research     Singapore
Jo鉶 Gama     University of Porto     Portugal
Johannes Gehrke     Cornell University     USA
Jonathan Lawry     University of Bristol     UK
Jongwoo Jeon     Seoul National University     Korea
Katharina Morik     University of Dortmund     Germany
Kenji Satou     Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology     Japan
Kevin H. Knuth     NASA Ames Research Center     USA
Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar     Washington State University     USA
Kwang Hyung Lee     Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology     Korea
Kyu-Young Whang     Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology     Korea
Kyuseok Shim     Seoul National University     Korea
Laurentiu Cristofor     The University of Massachusetts Boston     USA
Ljupco Todorovski     Jozef Stefan Institute     Slovenia
Luc De Raedt     University of Freiburg     Germany
Manoranjan Dash     Nanyang Technological University     Singapore
Marek Wojciechowski     Poznan University of Technology     Poland
Marina Meila     University of Washington     USA
Marko Grobelnik     J. Stefan Institute     Slovenia
Masaru Kitsuregawa     University of Tokyo     Japan
Masashi Shimbo     Nara Institute of Science and Technology     Japan
Mehran Sahami     Stanford University     USA
Michael C. Burl     Jet Propulsion Laboratory     USA
Michael May     Fraunhofer Institute for Autonomous Intelligent Systems     Germany
Michael R. Berthold     University of Konstanz     Germany
Mich鑜e Sebag     University Paris Orsay     France
Mihael Ankerst     Allianz     Germany
Mikolaj Morzy     Poznan University of Technology     Poland
Ming-Syan Chen     National Taiwan University     Taiwan
Minos N. Garofalakis     Bell Laboratories     USA
Mohammed J. Zaki     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute     US
Monique Noirhomme     University of Notre Dame de la Parix     Belgium
Myoung Ho Kim     Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology     Korea
Myra Spiliopoulou     Humboldt-University of Berlin     Germany
Nada Lavrac     Jozef Stefan Institute     Slovenia
Nicholas Cercone     Dalhousie University     Canada
Nicolas Pasquier     I3S Laboratory     France
Nina Mishra     Hewlett-Packard Laboratories     USA
Ning Zhong     Maebashi Institute of Technology     Japan
Olfa Nasraoui     University of Louisville     USA
Pavel Brazdil     University of Porto     Portugal
Peter A. Flach     University of Bristol     UK
Peter Haddawy     Asian Institute of Technology     Thailand
Peter Scheuermann     Northwestern University     USA
Philip S. Yu     IBM T.J. Watson Research Center     USA
Pradeep Dubey     Stony Brook University     USA
Raghu Ramakrishnan     University of Wisconsin     USA
Rajeev Motwani     Stanford University     USA
Rajeev Rastogi     Bell Laboratories     USA
Rao Kotagiri     University of Melbourne     Australia
Robert Cooley     KXEN     USA
Robert Grossman     University of Illinios     USA
Roberto Bayardo     IBM Almaden Research Center     USA
Ronen Feldman     Bar-Ilan University     Israel
Rong Jin     Michigan State University     USA
Rudy Setiono     National University of Singapore     Singapore
S. Muthu Muthukrishnan     Rutgers University     USA
Saharon Rosset     IBM T.J. Watson Research Center     USA
San-Yih Hwang     National Sun Yat-Sen University     Taiwan
Saso Dzeroski     Jozef Stefan Institute     Slovenia
Se June Hong     IBM T.J. Watson Research Center     USA
Seiji Yamada     National Institute of Informatics     Japan
Sharad Mehrotra     University of California     USA
Sharma Chakravarthy     The University of Texas at Arlington     USA
Shashi Shekhar     University of Minnesota     USA
Shawn Newsam     CASC     USA
Shusaku Tsumoto     Shimane University School of Medicine     Japan
Shyam Kumar Gupta     Indian Institute of Technology Delhi     India
Simeon J. Simoff     University of Technology Sydney     Australia
Siu Cheung Hui     Nanyang Technological University     Singapore
Srinivasan Parthasarathy     The Ohio State University     USA
Sudipto Guha     University of Pennsylvania     USA
Sunita Sarawagi     Indian Institute of Technology     India
Sven F. Crone     Lancaster University Management School     UK
Tadinada Venkata Prabhakar     Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur     India
Takahira Yamaguchi     Keio University     Japan
Takao Terano     Tsukuba University     Japan
Takashi Okada     Kwansei Gakuin University     Japan
Takashi Washio     Osaka University     Japan
Takeaki Uno     National Institute of Informatics     Japan
Takehisa Yairi     University of Tokyo     Japan
Tapio Elomaa     Tampere University of Technology     Finland
Tetsuya Murai     Hokkaido University     Japan
Tom Mitchell     Carnegie Mellon University     USA
Tru Hoang Cao     Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology     Vietnam
Tsau Young Lin     San Jose State University     USA
Tu Bao Ho     Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology     Japan
Vasilis Megalooikonomou     Temple University     USA
Vikram Pudi     International Institute of Information Technology     India
Vipin Kumar     University of Minnesota     USA
Vo Ngoc Anh     University of Melbourne     Australia
Walter Kosters     Universiteit Leiden     The Netherlands
Wee Keong Ng     Nanyang Technological University     Singapore
Wei Fan     Columbia University     USA
Wenliang Du     Syracuse University     USA
Werner Stuetzle     University of Washington     USA
Wray Buntine     Helsinki Institute for Information Technology     Finland
Wynne Hsu     National University of Singapore     Singapore
Xindong Wu     University of Vermont     USA
Yannis Manolopoulos     Aristotle University of Thessaloniki     Greece
Yasuhiko Kitamura     Kwansei Gakuin University     Japan
Yi Lin     University of Wisconsin     USA
Yiyu Yao     University of Regina     Canada
Yoon-Joon Lee     Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology     Korea
Yoshiteru Nakamori     Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology     Japan
Yuedong Wang     University of California     USA
Yuji Matsumoto     Nara Institute of Science and Technology     Japan
Zaiqing Nie     Microsoft Research Asia     China
Zhi-Hua Zhou     Nanjing University     China
Zoran Obradovic     Temple University     USA




Linux Mint Xia 22.1重磅发布: 重要更新一览

《LinuxMintXia22.1重磅发布:重要更新一览》Beta版LinuxMint“Xia”22.1发布,新版本基于Ubuntu24.04,内核版本为Linux6.8,这... linux Mint 22.1「Xia」正式发布啦!这次更新带来了诸多优化和改进,进一步巩固了 Mint 在 Linux 桌面


在过去的二十年里,中国企业在数字营销领域经历了一场惊心动魄的变革。从最初的懵懂无知到如今的游刃有余,这一路走来,既有模仿学习的艰辛,也有创新突破的喜悦。然而,站在人工智能时代的门槛上,我们不禁要问:下一个十年,中国企业将如何在数字营销的浪潮中乘风破浪? 一、从跟风到精通:中国数字营销的进化史 回顾过去,中国企业在数字营销领域的发展可谓是一部"跟风学习"的编年史。从最初的搜索引擎营销(SEM),


欢迎关注博客主页:https://blog.csdn.net/u013411339 欢迎点赞、收藏、留言 ,欢迎留言交流! 本文由【王知无】原创,首发于 CSDN博客! 本文首发CSDN论坛,未经过官方和本人允许,严禁转载! 本文是对《【硬刚大数据之学习路线篇】2021年从零到大数据专家的学习指南(全面升级版)》的面试部分补充。 硬刚大数据系列文章链接: 2021年从零到大数据专家的


📢欢迎关注博客主页:https://blog.csdn.net/u013411339 📢欢迎点赞 👍 收藏 ⭐留言 📝 ,欢迎留言交流! 📢本文由【王知无】原创,首发于 CSDN博客! 📢本文首发CSDN论坛,未经过官方和本人允许,严禁转载! 本文是对《【硬刚大数据之学习路线篇】2021年从零到大数据专家的学习指南(全面升级版)》的面试部分补充。 硬刚大数据系列文章链接:


📢欢迎关注博客主页:https://blog.csdn.net/u013411339 📢欢迎点赞 👍 收藏 ⭐留言 📝 ,欢迎留言交流! 📢本文由【王知无】原创,首发于 CSDN博客! 📢本文首发CSDN论坛,未经过官方和本人允许,严禁转载! 本文是对《【硬刚大数据之学习路线篇】2021年从零到大数据专家的学习指南(全面升级版)》的面试部分补充。 硬刚大数据系列文章链接:


📢欢迎关注博客主页:https://blog.csdn.net/u013411339 📢欢迎点赞 👍 收藏 ⭐留言 📝 ,欢迎留言交流! 📢本文由【王知无】原创,首发于 CSDN博客! 📢本文首发CSDN论坛,未经过官方和本人允许,严禁转载! 本文是对《【硬刚大数据之学习路线篇】2021年从零到大数据专家的学习指南(全面升级版)》的面试部分补充。 硬刚大数据系列文章链接:

EI会议推荐-第二届大数据与数据挖掘国际会议(BDDM 2024)

第二届大数据与数据挖掘国际会议(BDDM 2024) 1、基本信息 大会官网:http://www.icbddm.org/ 官方邮箱:icbddm@163.com 主办方:武汉纺织大学 会议时间:2024年12月13日-12月15日 会议地点:湖北武汉 02征稿主题: 包含(但不限于)以下领域: 大数据:大数据分析、人工智能、大数据网络技术、大数据搜索算法和系统、分布式和点对


u盘格式化后数据能恢复吗?答案是肯定的。现在数据通过一些优盘或者移动硬盘之类介质进行传输已经一种很常见的文件传输方式了。但是我们偶尔就因为一些意外导致数据的丢失,这次我就来分享一些可以找回丢失数据的工具。 1.福昕数据恢复  链接直达:https://www.pdf365.cn/foxit-restore/  这个工具是我最早接触并使用的一款数据恢复工具。他不仅仅可以恢复优盘里丢失的数据,还


案例来源:@深极智能 案例地址: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/31213553 1. 目标:针对K游戏数据,预测玩家留存情况,并找出影响留存的因素 2. 数据:玩家id,动作,动作时间戳,玩家关键属性(金币、装备、等级等) 3. 数据清洗: 1)剔除操作数<16的玩家,这类对游戏题材不感兴趣,非目

【校招面经】机器学习与数据挖掘常见面试题整理 part9

八十、SVM的核函数 from:https://blog.csdn.net/lihaitao000/article/details/51173459 SVM核函数包括线性核函数、多项式核函数、径向基核函数、高斯核函数、幂指数核函数、拉普拉斯核函数、ANOVA核函数、二次有理核函数、多元二次核函数、逆多元二次核函数以及Sigmoid核函数. 核函数的定义并不困难,根据泛函的有关理论,只要一种函数