Android AOSP定制去掉Google搜索栏

2024-06-10 07:28

本文主要是介绍Android AOSP定制去掉Google搜索栏,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Android AOSP定制去掉Google搜索栏


​ 最近接触了Android系统定制的需求,感觉非常有意思,之前做过Launcher和串口,也自己安装过虚拟机,不过几年没用Linux系统了有点不习惯,Linux命令也不熟悉,刚开始连安装打开AndroidStudio都不会,这里如果不熟悉的小伙伴可以参数以下博客,毕竟Android源码编译都是在Linux环境下进行的,所以熟悉Linux命令还是非常有必要的,此篇作为AOSP定制开发的开篇遇到了很多问题,这里记录一下,废话不多说,直接上代码.



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AOSP 的设计可确保不存在一个集中瓶颈,即没有任何行业参与者可一手限制或控制其他参与者的创新。因此,AOSP 是一款功能完善且达到生产质量的开发者产品,其源代码可以开放自定义和移植。

AOSP(Android Open Source Project)是Android的开放源代码项目,为开发者提供了详细的源代码和工具,使得我们能够深入了解Android系统的运作原理。阅读AOSP源码并熟悉其目录结构是了解Android系统内部实现和架构的关键。




修改变量配置 QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN = false

  • 源码路径:packages\apps\Launcher3\src\com\android\launcher3\config\

  • 源码

    abstract class BaseFlags {BaseFlags() {}public static final boolean IS_DOGFOOD_BUILD = false;public static final String AUTHORITY = "".intern();// When enabled allows to use any point on the fast scrollbar to start dragging.public static final boolean LAUNCHER3_DIRECT_SCROLL = true;// When enabled the promise icon is visible in all apps while installation an app.public static final boolean LAUNCHER3_PROMISE_APPS_IN_ALL_APPS = false;// When enabled allows use of spring motions on the icons.public static final boolean LAUNCHER3_SPRING_ICONS = true;// Feature flag to enable moving the QSB on the 0th screen of the workspace.public static final boolean QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN = true;// When enabled the all-apps icon is not added to the hotseat.public static final boolean NO_ALL_APPS_ICON = true;// When true, custom widgets are loaded using CustomWidgetParser.public static final boolean ENABLE_CUSTOM_WIDGETS = false;// Features to control Launcher3Go behaviorpublic static final boolean GO_DISABLE_WIDGETS = false;// When enabled shows a work profile tab in all appspublic static final boolean ALL_APPS_TABS_ENABLED = true;// When true, overview shows screenshots in the orientation they were taken rather than// trying to make them fit the orientation the device is in.public static final boolean OVERVIEW_USE_SCREENSHOT_ORIENTATION = true;


  • 源码修改

    /** Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.* You may obtain a copy of the License at**** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and* limitations under the License.*/package;/*** Defines a set of flags used to control various launcher behaviors.** All the flags should be defined here with appropriate default values. To override a value,* redefine it in {@link FeatureFlags}.** This class is kept package-private to prevent direct access.*/
    abstract class BaseFlags {BaseFlags() {}public static final boolean IS_DOGFOOD_BUILD = false;public static final String AUTHORITY = "".intern();// When enabled allows to use any point on the fast scrollbar to start dragging.public static final boolean LAUNCHER3_DIRECT_SCROLL = true;// When enabled the promise icon is visible in all apps while installation an app.public static final boolean LAUNCHER3_PROMISE_APPS_IN_ALL_APPS = false;// When enabled allows use of spring motions on the icons.public static final boolean LAUNCHER3_SPRING_ICONS = true;// Feature flag to enable moving the QSB on the 0th screen of the workspace.public static final boolean QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN = false;// When enabled the all-apps icon is not added to the hotseat.public static final boolean NO_ALL_APPS_ICON = true;// When true, custom widgets are loaded using CustomWidgetParser.public static final boolean ENABLE_CUSTOM_WIDGETS = false;// Features to control Launcher3Go behaviorpublic static final boolean GO_DISABLE_WIDGETS = false;// When enabled shows a work profile tab in all appspublic static final boolean ALL_APPS_TABS_ENABLED = true;// When true, overview shows screenshots in the orientation they were taken rather than// trying to make them fit the orientation the device is in.public static final boolean OVERVIEW_USE_SCREENSHOT_ORIENTATION = true;


  • 源码路径:/packages/apps/Launcher3/res/layout/search_container_workspace.xml

  • 源码


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source ProjectLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.
<""android:orientation="vertical"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="0dp"android:id="@id/search_container_workspace"android:padding="0dp" ><fragmentandroid:name="$QsbFragment"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:tag="qsb_view"android:layout_height="match_parent"/>
  • 源码修改


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source ProjectLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.
<""android:orientation="vertical"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="0dp"android:id="@id/search_container_workspace"android:padding="0dp" ><!--<fragmentandroid:name="$QsbFragment"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:tag="qsb_view"android:layout_height="match_parent"/>-->


  • 源码位置: /packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/

  • 源码

     /*** Initializes and binds the first page* @param qsb an existing qsb to recycle or null.*/public void bindAndInitFirstWorkspaceScreen(View qsb) {if (!FeatureFlags.QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN) {return;}// Add the first pageCellLayout firstPage = insertNewWorkspaceScreen(Workspace.FIRST_SCREEN_ID, 0);// Always add a QSB on the first screen.if (qsb == null) {// In transposed layout, we add the QSB in the Grid. As workspace does not touch the// edges, we do not need a full width QSB.qsb = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.search_container_workspace,firstPage, false);}CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = new CellLayout.LayoutParams(0, 0, firstPage.getCountX(), 1);lp.canReorder = false;if (!firstPage.addViewToCellLayout(qsb, 0,, lp, true)) {Log.e(TAG, "Failed to add to item at (0, 0) to CellLayout");}}



 public void bindAndInitFirstWorkspaceScreen(View qsb) {if (!FeatureFlags.QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN) {return;}// Add the first pageCellLayout firstPage = insertNewWorkspaceScreen(Workspace.FIRST_SCREEN_ID, 0);// Always add a QSB on the first screen.if (qsb == null) {// In transposed layout, we add the QSB in the Grid. As workspace does not touch the// edges, we do not need a full width QSB.qsb = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.search_container_workspace,firstPage, false);}/*     CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = new CellLayout.LayoutParams(0, 0, firstPage.getCountX(), 1);lp.canReorder = false;if (!firstPage.addViewToCellLayout(qsb, 0,, lp, true)) {Log.e(TAG, "Failed to add to item at (0, 0) to CellLayout");}*/}







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普通搜索方法有两种:1、广度优先搜索;2、深度优先搜索; 更多搜索方法: 3、双向广度优先搜索; 4、启发式搜索(包括A*算法等); 搜索通常会用到的知识点:状态压缩(位压缩,利用hash思想压缩)。


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题意: 有n(100)个景点,m(1000)条路,时间限制为t(300),起点s,终点e。 访问每个景点需要时间cost_i,每个景点的访问价值为value_i。 点与点之间行走需要花费的时间为g[ i ] [ j ] 。注意点间可能有多条边。 走到一个点时可以选择访问或者不访问,并且当前点的访问价值应该严格大于前一个访问的点。 现在求,从起点出发,到达终点,在时间限制内,能得到的最大

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//------------------start opencv--------------------@Override public void onResume(){ super.onResume(); //通过OpenCV引擎服务加载并初始化OpenCV类库,所谓OpenCV引擎服务即是 //OpenCV_2.4.3.2_Manager_2.4_*.apk程序包,存