
2024-06-08 15:12



  1. 范文一(写作能力)162词
  • With the enhancement of general competitiveness in China, people nowadays are increasingly aware of the importance of young people. And the writing ability plays a crucial role in their development.
  • To examine the significance of the writing ability, certain factors could be specifically pointed out here. First and foremost, the writing ability will facilitate our performance in relevant aspects. Another factor that deserves to be cited here is that people of good writing ability could boost the overall productivity of our society. Last by not least, if we fail to recognize the importance of it, there would eventually be a heavy toll to pay sooner or later.
  • In brief, the writing ability is of true essentiality and concrete measures must be taken to secure it. Governments should implement proper policies and launch mass media campaigns to infuse such an indispensable skill into everyone. The more rapidly actions are taken, the more effectively this skill will benefit us in the upcoming future.
  1. 范文二(员工雇主相互信任)170词
  • With the enhancement of general competitiveness in China, people nowadays are increasingly aware of the importance of social harmony. And building trust between employers and employees plays a crucial role in its development.
  • To examine the significance of building trust between employers and employees, certain factors could be specifically pointed out here. First and foremost, trust will facilitate win-win cooperation between employers and employees. Another factor that deserves to be cited here is that trust could boost the communication efficiency and the overall effectiveness of the workplace. Last but not least, if employers and employees fail to trust each other, there would eventually be a heavy toll to pay sooner or later.
  • In brief, trust between employers and employees is of true essentiality and concrete measures must be taken to secure it. Governments should be implement proper policies and launch mass media campaigns to infuse such an indispensable virtue into everyone. The more rapidly actions are taken, the more effectively this virtue will benefit us in the upcoming future.





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