Scheduler 中的Program对象并不是常规意义上的"程序"或"应用",而就是一个"对象",由
1.PL/SQL BLOCK :标准的pl/sql 代码块;
2.STORED PROCEDURE :编译好的PL/SQL 存储过程,或者Java 存储过程,以及外部的c 子
3.EXECUTEABLE :ORACLE 数据库之外的应用,比如操作系统命令等等。
实际上SCHEDULER 中创建job 时,也可以指定执行外部的程序。SCHEDULER 中的Job 更
像是之前版本继承过来的JOBS,只不过10g 中SCHEDULER 管理的JOBS 功能更加强大。
Programs 与Jobs 不同的是,Jobs 是定义好的,定时执行的任务,而Programs 则是定义好
• A window is represented by an interval of time with awell-defined beginning and
end,and is used to activate different resource plans at differenttimes. This allows
you to change resource allocation during a time period such as timeof day or time
of the sales year.
• A window group represents a list of windows, and allows foreasier management of
windows. You can use a window or window group as the schedule for ajob to ensure
that the job runs only when a window and its associated resourceplan are active.
• A job class defines a category of jobs that share common resourceusage requirements
and other characteristics. A job class groups jobs into largerentities.
• A resource consumer group associated with the job classdetermines the resources
that are allocated to the jobs in the job class.
• A resource plan enables users to prioritize resources (mostnotably CPU) among
resource consumer groups.
1.PL/SQL BLOCK :标准的pl/sql 代码块;
2.STORED PROCEDURE :编译好的PL/SQL 存储过程,或者Java 存储过程,以及外部的c 子
3.EXECUTEABLE :ORACLE 数据库之外的应用,比如操作系统命令等等。
实际上SCHEDULER 中创建job 时,也可以指定执行外部的程序。SCHEDULER 中的Job 更
像是之前版本继承过来的JOBS,只不过10g 中SCHEDULER 管理的JOBS 功能更加强大。
Programs 与Jobs 不同的是,Jobs 是定义好的,定时执行的任务,而Programs 则是定义好
• A window is represented by an interval of time with awell-defined beginning and
end,and is used to activate different resource plans at differenttimes. This allows
you to change resource allocation during a time period such as timeof day or time
of the sales year.
• A window group represents a list of windows, and allows foreasier management of
windows. You can use a window or window group as the schedule for ajob to ensure
that the job runs only when a window and its associated resourceplan are active.
• A job class defines a category of jobs that share common resourceusage requirements
and other characteristics. A job class groups jobs into largerentities.
• A resource consumer group associated with the job classdetermines the resources
that are allocated to the jobs in the job class.
• A resource plan enables users to prioritize resources (mostnotably CPU) among
resource consumer groups.