本文主要是介绍关于资源计划的RATIO 策略,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Using the Ratio Policy
policy is asingle-level CPU allocation method.--只在LEVEL1上 GOLD_CG
, assume that we specify the following plandirectives:
DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_PLAN(PLAN => 'service_level_plan',CPU_MTH -> 'RATIO', COMMENT => 'service level plan'); DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE(PLAN => 'service_level_plan',GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'GOLD_CG', COMMENT => 'Gold service level customers',CPU_P1 => 10);DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE(PLAN => 'service_level_plan',GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'SILVER_CG', COMMENT => 'Silver service level customers', CPU_P1 => 5);DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE(PLAN => 'service_level_plan',GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'BRONZE_CG', COMMENT => 'Bonze service level customers',CPU_P1 => 2);DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE(PLAN => 'service_level_plan', GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'OTHER_GROUPS',COMMENT => 'Lowest priority sessions',CPU_P1 => 1);
The ratio of CPU allocation would be 10:5:2:1 for theGOLD_CG
consumergroups, respectively.
If sessions exists only in the GOLD_CG
consumer groups, then the ratio of CPUallocation would be 10:5 between the two groups.
Specifying Resource Plan Directives
Resource plan directives assign consumer groups to resourceplans and provide the parameters for each resource allocationmethod. When you create a resource plan directive, you can specifythe following parameters
Parameter | Description |
PLAN | Name of the resourceplan. |
GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN | Name of the consumergroup or subplan. |
COMMENT | Any comment. |
CPU_P1 | For EMPHASIS(重点) , specifies the CPUpercentage at the first level. For RATIO(百分比) , specifies the weight of CPUusage. Default is NULL for all CPU parameters. |
CPU_P2 | ForEMPHASIS , specifies CPU percentage at the secondlevel. Not applicable forRATIO . |
CPU_P3 | ForEMPHASIS , specifies CPU percentage at the third level.Not applicable forRATIO . |
CPU_P4 | ForEMPHASIS , specifies CPU percentage at the fourthlevel. Not applicable forRATIO . |
CPU_P5 | ForEMPHASIS , specifies CPU percentage at the fifth level.Not applicable forRATIO . |
CPU_P6 | ForEMPHASIS , specifies CPU percentage at the sixth level.Not applicable forRATIO . |
CPU_P7 | ForEMPHASIS , specifies CPU percentage at the seventhlevel. Not applicable forRATIO . |
CPU_P8 | ForEMPHASIS , specifies CPU percentage at the eighthlevel. Not applicable forRATIO . |
ACTIVE_SESS_POOL_P1 | Specifies maximumnumber of concurrently active sessions for a consumer group.Default is UNLIMITED . |
QUEUEING_P1 | Specified time (inseconds) after which a job in an inactive session queue (waitingfor execution) will time out. Default isUNLIMITED . |
PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_P1 | Specifies a limit onthe degree of parallelism for any operation. Default isUNLIMITED . |
SWITCH_GROUP | Specifies consumergroup to which this session is switched if other switch criteriaare met. If the group name is 'CANCEL_SQL ', then thecurrent call will be canceled when other switch criteria are met.If the group name is 'KILL_SESSION ', then the sessionwill be killed when other switch criteria are met. Default isNULL . |
SWITCH_TIME | Specifies time (inseconds) that a session can execute before an action is taken.Default in UNLIMITED . You cannot specify bothSWITCH_TIME and SWITCH_TIME_IN_CALL . |
SWITCH_ESTIMATE | If TRUE ,tells the database to use its execution time estimate toautomatically switch the consumer group of an operation prior tobeginning its execution. Default is FALSE . |
MAX_EST_EXEC_TIME | Specifies the maximumexecution time (in seconds) allowed for a session. If the optimizerestimates that an operation will take longer thanMAX_EST_EXEC_TIME , the operation is not started andORA-07455 is issued. If the optimizer does not providean estimate, this directive has no effect. Default isUNLIMITED . |
UNDO_POOL | Sets a maximum inkilobytes (K) on the total amount of undo generated by a consumergroup. Default is UNLIMITED . |
MAX_IDLE_TIME | Indicates the maximumsession idle time. Default is NULL , which impliesunlimited. |
MAX_IDLE_BLOCKER_TIME | Indicates the maximumsession idle time of a blocking session. Default isNULL , which implies unlimited. |
SWITCH_TIME_IN_CALL | Specifies the time(in seconds) that a session can execute before an action is taken.At the end of the call, the consumer group of the session isrestored to its original consumer group. Default isUNLIMITED . You cannot specify bothSWITCH_TIME_IN_CALL and SWITCH_TIME |
这篇关于关于资源计划的RATIO 策略的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!