关于资源计划的RATIO 策略

2024-06-04 17:18
文章标签 资源 计划 策略 ratio

本文主要是介绍关于资源计划的RATIO 策略,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



Using the Ratio Policy


the RATIO policy is asingle-level CPU allocation method.--只在LEVEL1上 Instead of percentages, youspecify numbers corresponding to the ratio of CPU you want to giveto the consumer group. For example, given three consumer groupsGOLD_CG, SILVER_CG, andBRONZE_CG, assume that we specify the following plandirectives:

DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_PLAN(PLAN => 'service_level_plan',CPU_MTH -> 'RATIO', COMMENT => 'service level plan');
DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE(PLAN => 'service_level_plan',GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'GOLD_CG', COMMENT => 'Gold service level customers',CPU_P1 => 10);DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE(PLAN => 'service_level_plan',GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'SILVER_CG', COMMENT => 'Silver service level customers',  CPU_P1 => 5);DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE(PLAN => 'service_level_plan',GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'BRONZE_CG', COMMENT => 'Bonze service level customers',CPU_P1 => 2);DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE(PLAN => 'service_level_plan', GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'OTHER_GROUPS',COMMENT => 'Lowest priority sessions',CPU_P1 => 1);

The ratio of CPU allocation would be 10:5:2:1 for theGOLD_CG, SILVER_CG,BRONZE_CG, and OTHER_GROUPS consumergroups, respectively.

If sessions exists only in the GOLD_CG andSILVER_CG consumer groups, then the ratio of CPUallocation would be 10:5 between the two groups.





Specifying Resource Plan Directives

Resource plan directives assign consumer groups to resourceplans and provide the parameters for each resource allocationmethod. When you create a resource plan directive, you can specifythe following parameters

PLANName of the resourceplan.
GROUP_OR_SUBPLANName of the consumergroup or subplan.
COMMENTAny comment.
CPU_P1For EMPHASIS(重点), specifies the CPUpercentage at the first level. For RATIO(百分比), specifies the weight of CPUusage. Default is NULL for all CPUparameters.
CPU_P2ForEMPHASIS, specifies CPU percentage at the secondlevel. Not applicable forRATIO.
CPU_P3ForEMPHASIS, specifies CPU percentage at the third level.Not applicable forRATIO.
CPU_P4ForEMPHASIS, specifies CPU percentage at the fourthlevel. Not applicable forRATIO.
CPU_P5ForEMPHASIS, specifies CPU percentage at the fifth level.Not applicable forRATIO.
CPU_P6ForEMPHASIS, specifies CPU percentage at the sixth level.Not applicable forRATIO.
CPU_P7ForEMPHASIS, specifies CPU percentage at the seventhlevel. Not applicable forRATIO.
CPU_P8ForEMPHASIS, specifies CPU percentage at the eighthlevel. Not applicable forRATIO.
ACTIVE_SESS_POOL_P1Specifies maximumnumber of concurrently active sessions for a consumer group.Default is UNLIMITED.
QUEUEING_P1Specified time (inseconds) after which a job in an inactive session queue (waitingfor execution) will time out. Default isUNLIMITED.
PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_P1Specifies a limit onthe degree of parallelism for any operation. Default isUNLIMITED.
SWITCH_GROUPSpecifies consumergroup to which this session is switched if other switch criteriaare met. If the group name is 'CANCEL_SQL', then thecurrent call will be canceled when other switch criteria are met.If the group name is 'KILL_SESSION', then the sessionwill be killed when other switch criteria are met. Default isNULL.
SWITCH_TIMESpecifies time (inseconds) that a session can execute before an action is taken.Default in UNLIMITED. You cannot specify bothSWITCH_TIME and SWITCH_TIME_IN_CALL.
SWITCH_ESTIMATEIf TRUE,tells the database to use its execution time estimate toautomatically switch the consumer group of an operation prior tobeginning its execution. Default is FALSE.
MAX_EST_EXEC_TIMESpecifies the maximumexecution time (in seconds) allowed for a session. If the optimizerestimates that an operation will take longer thanMAX_EST_EXEC_TIME, the operation is not started andORA-07455 is issued. If the optimizer does not providean estimate, this directive has no effect. Default isUNLIMITED.
UNDO_POOLSets a maximum inkilobytes (K) on the total amount of undo generated by a consumergroup. Default is UNLIMITED.
MAX_IDLE_TIMEIndicates the maximumsession idle time. Default is NULL, which impliesunlimited.
MAX_IDLE_BLOCKER_TIMEIndicates the maximumsession idle time of a blocking session. Default isNULL, which implies unlimited.
SWITCH_TIME_IN_CALLSpecifies the time(in seconds) that a session can execute before an action is taken.At the end of the call, the consumer group of the session isrestored to its original consumer group. Default isUNLIMITED. You cannot specify bothSWITCH_TIME_IN_CALL and SWITCH_TIME

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