z score vs. min-max scaling 优缺点

2024-06-04 02:48
文章标签 vs 优缺点 min max score scaling

本文主要是介绍z score vs. min-max scaling 优缺点,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Min-max:所有特征具有相同尺度 (scale) 但不能处理outlier
z-score:与min-max相反,可以处理outlier, 但不能产生具有相同尺度的特征变换

More opinions (from researchgate):
– If you have a PHYSICALLY NECESSARY MAXIMUM (like in the number of voters for different parties in an election that cannot exceed the total number of voters) the best normalization method is dividing for the MAX so to have your data spanning the 0-1 interval, but it is mandatory you have REAL AND STABLE MAXIMUM (the same considerations hold for min-MAX) otherwise this procedure is very dangerous given the hyperbolic character of the ration (having at the denominator something that can change, even slightly, without control is a curse !).
In all the other cases z scores that clearly depend on the choice of an appropriate reference set to determin mean and standard deviation but, once this reference set is in your hands, allow you to judge immediately about the relevance of a single observation (Wow it is more than

这篇关于z score vs. min-max scaling 优缺点的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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