Wiring in Spring: @Autowired, @Resource and @Inject 三种注解实现依赖注入

本文主要是介绍Wiring in Spring: @Autowired, @Resource and @Inject 三种注解实现依赖注入,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

原文链接:Wiring in Spring: @Autowired, @Resource and @Inject 

1. Overview 概述

In this Spring Framework tutorial, we'll demonstrate how to use annotations related to dependency injection, namely the @Resource@Inject, and @Autowired annotations. These annotations provide classes with a declarative way to resolve dependencies:


ArbitraryClass arbObject;

As opposed to instantiating them directly (the imperative way):


ArbitraryClass arbObject = new ArbitraryClass();

Two of the three annotations belong to the Java extension package: javax.annotation.Resource and javax.inject.Inject. The @Autowired annotation belongs to the org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation package.

上面提及的三个注解中,有两个属性Java扩展包,即 javax.annotaion.Resource 和 javax.inject.Inject。而另一个@Autowired注解则是在 Spring 框架包中。 

Each of these annotations can resolve dependencies either by field injection or by setter injection. We'll use a simplified, but practical example to demonstrate the distinction between the three annotations, based on the execution paths taken by each annotation.


The examples will focus on how to use the three injection annotations during integration testing. The dependency required by the test can either be an arbitrary file or an arbitrary class.


2. The @Resource Annotation @Resouece注解

The @Resource annotation is part of the JSR-250 annotation collection, and is packaged with Jakarta EE. This annotation has the following execution paths, listed by precedence:


  1. Match by Name
  2. Match by Type
  3. Match by Qualifier

These execution paths are applicable to both setter and field injection.


2.1. Field Injection @Resource注解的字段依赖注入

We can resolve dependencies by field injection by annotating an instance variable with the @Resourceannotation.


2.1.1. Match by Name 通过名称Name搜索匹配依赖

We'll use the following integration test to demonstrate match-by-name field injection:


public class FieldResourceInjectionIntegrationTest {@Resource(name="namedFile")private File defaultFile;@Testpublic void givenResourceAnnotation_WhenOnField_ThenDependencyValid(){assertNotNull(defaultFile);assertEquals("namedFile.txt", defaultFile.getName());}

Let's go through the code. In the FieldResourceInjectionTest integration test, at line 7, we resolved the dependency by name by passing in the bean name as an attribute value to the @Resource annotation:

浏览代码,在集成测试类 FieldResourceInjectionIntegrationTest 中,第7行,通过使用@Resource注解标明依赖对象的名称,来实现绑定并注入所需的依赖bean对象,代码如下:

private File defaultFile;

This configuration will resolve dependencies using the match-by-name execution path. We must define the bean namedFile in the ApplicationContextTestResourceNameType application context.


Note that the bean id and the corresponding reference attribute value must match:


public class ApplicationContextTestResourceNameType {@Bean(name="namedFile")public File namedFile() {File namedFile = new File("namedFile.txt");return namedFile;}

If we fail to define the bean in the application context, it will result in an org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException being thrown. We can demonstrate this by changing the attribute value passed into the @Bean annotation in the ApplicationContextTestResourceNameType application context, or changing the attribute value passed into the @Resource annotation in the FieldResourceInjectionTest integration test.


2.1.2. Match by Type 类型匹配

To demonstrate the match-by-type execution path, we just remove the attribute value at line 7 of the FieldResourceInjectionTest integration test:


private File defaultFile;

Then we run the test again. 再次运行测试类

The test will still pass because if the @Resource annotation doesn't receive a bean name as an attribute value, the Spring Framework will proceed with the next level of precedence, match-by-type, in order to try resolve the dependency.


2.1.3. Match by Qualifier 通过筛选模式匹配

To demonstrate the match-by-qualifier execution path, the integration testing scenario will be modified so that there are two beans defined in the ApplicationContextTestResourceQualifier application context:


public class ApplicationContextTestResourceQualifier {@Bean(name="defaultFile")public File defaultFile() {File defaultFile = new File("defaultFile.txt");return defaultFile;}@Bean(name="namedFile")public File namedFile() {File namedFile = new File("namedFile.txt");return namedFile;}

We'll use the QualifierResourceInjectionTest integration test to demonstrate match-by-qualifier dependency resolution. In this scenario, a specific bean dependency needs to be injected into each reference variable:

下面将使用 QualifierResourceInjectionTest 这个测试类来演示筛选模式匹配模式来查找依赖。在这个场景下,指定的bean依赖对象需要被指定给每一个它的引用对象。

public class QualifierResourceInjectionIntegrationTest {@Resourceprivate File dependency1;@Resourceprivate File dependency2;@Testpublic void givenResourceAnnotation_WhenField_ThenDependency1Valid(){assertNotNull(dependency1);assertEquals("defaultFile.txt", dependency1.getName());}@Testpublic void givenResourceQualifier_WhenField_ThenDependency2Valid(){assertNotNull(dependency2);assertEquals("namedFile.txt", dependency2.getName());}

When we run the integration test, an org.springframework.beans.factory.NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException will be thrown. This will happen because the application context will find two bean definitions of type File, and won't know which bean should resolve the dependency.


这篇关于Wiring in Spring: @Autowired, @Resource and @Inject 三种注解实现依赖注入的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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