SIP transactions and dialogs

2024-05-28 03:18
文章标签 sip transactions dialogs

本文主要是介绍SIP transactions and dialogs,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


transactions and dialogs

A transaction occurs between a user agent client and server and comprises of all the messages from the request to the final response (including all the interim responses).The responses can be provisional, starting with one followed by two digits (for example, 180 Ringing) or final, starting with two followed by two digits (for example, 200 OK). The scope of a transaction is defined by the stack of Via headers of the SIP messages. So, the user agents, after the initial invite, don’t need to rely on DNS or location tables to route the messages.

The ACK request is a special case. For positive replies (2XX), the UAC creates a new transaction and generates a new Contact header and it can be sent straight to the UAS bypassing the proxy. However, for negative replies, it belongs to the INVITE transaction because it is not possible to create a new transaction without the Contact of the other part. In this case, the request is sent to the same proxy as INVITE.

Dialog(对话)对话是两个UAs(user agent) 之间持续一段时间的端到端(peer-to-peer)的SIP 关系. 一个对话由一个Call-ID, 一个local tag 和 一个remote tag来标识.对话过去也叫做 “call leg”。对话的建立是收到UAS的响应(To tag)时开始建立的。收到180响应时建立dialog叫做早期对话(early dialog),收到2XX的应答开始才是真正的dialog建立。

A dialog is a succession of transactions that control the creation, existence, and termination of the dialog. All dialogs do have a transaction to create them and may (or may not) have a transaction to change the dialog (mid-transaction). Additionally,the end-dialog transaction may be missing. (Some dialogs do end based on timeouts rather than on explicit termination.)

按照 rfc3665 的描述,有 11 个基本的会话建立流程。其列出的并不一定是完整的,但是覆盖了最好的例子。前两个流程在这一章节中进行了阐述——成功建立会话 Successful Session Establishment和通过两个代理建立会话 Session Establishment Through Two Proxies。其它的一些将在第11章Implementing SIP Servers中见到。

这篇关于SIP transactions and dialogs的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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Mac终端operation not permitted问题、禁用和启用SIP(系统完整性保护)

Mac终端operation not permitted问题、禁用和启用SIP(系统完整性保护) 注意: 仅在必要时临时禁用SIP,并尽快重新启用它。在测试完成后不重新启用SIP将使您的计算机容易受到恶意代码的攻击 文章目录 Mac终端operation not permitted问题、禁用和启用SIP(系统完整性保护)`注意: 仅在必要时临时禁用SIP,并尽快重新启用它。在测试完成后不