自定义Spark Streaming接收器(Receivers)

2024-05-27 12:58

本文主要是介绍自定义Spark Streaming接收器(Receivers),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Spark Streaming除了可以使用内置的接收器(Receivers,比如Flume、Kafka、Kinesis、files和sockets等)来接收流数据,还可以自定义接收器来从任意的流中接收数据。开发者们可以自己实现org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver类来从其他的数据源中接收数据。本文将介绍如何实现自定义接收器,并且在Spark Streaming应用程序中使用。我们可以用Scala或者Java来实现自定义接收器。

文章目录 [hide]

  • 1 实现自定义接收器
  • 2 在Spark Streaming应用程序中使用自定义接收器
  • 3 接收器的可靠性
  • 4 实现并使用基于Actor的自定义接收器





 接收线程中可能会出现任何异常,这些异常都需要被捕获,并且恰当地处理来避免接收器挂掉。restart()将通过异步地调用onStop()和onStart() 方法来重启接收器。stop()将会调用onStop()方法并且中止接收器。同样, reportError()将会向Driver发送错误信息(这些错误信息可以在logs和UI中看到),而不停止或者重启接收器。


  User : 过往记忆
  Date : 2016 03 03
  Time : 22 : 52 : 23
  bolg : http : //www.iteblog.com
  本文地址:http : //www.iteblog.com/archives/1594
  过往记忆博客微信公共帐号:iteblog _ hadoop
class CustomReceiver(host : String, port : Int)
   extends Receiver[String](StorageLevel.MEMORY _ AND _ DISK _ 2 ) with Logging {
   def onStart() {
     // Start the thread that receives data over a connection
     new Thread( "Socket Receiver" ) {
       override def run() { receive() }
   def onStop() {
    // There is nothing much to do as the thread calling receive()
    // is designed to stop by itself if isStopped() returns false
   /** Create a socket connection and receive data until receiver is stopped */
   private def receive() {
     var socket : Socket = null
     var userInput : String = null
     try {
      // Connect to host:port
      socket = new Socket(host, port)
      // Until stopped or connection broken continue reading
      val reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8" ))
      userInput = reader.readLine()
      while (!isStopped && userInput ! = null ) {
        userInput = reader.readLine()
      // Restart in an attempt to connect again when server is active again
      restart( "Trying to connect again" )
     } catch {
      case e : java.net.ConnectException = >
        // restart if could not connect to server
        restart( "Error connecting to " + host + ":" + port, e)
      case t : Throwable = >
        // restart if there is any other error
        restart( "Error receiving data" , t)

在Spark Streaming应用程序中使用自定义接收器

  自定义的接收器可以通过使用streamingContext.receiverStream()方法来在Spark Streaming应用程序中使用。这将使用自定义接收器接收到的数据来创建input DStream,如下:

// Assuming ssc is the StreamingContext
val lines = ssc.receiverStream( new CustomReceiver(host, port))
val words = lines.flatMap( _ .split( " " ))


package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming
import java.io.{BufferedReader, InputStream, InputStreamReader}
import java.net.Socket
import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf}
import org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver
  * Custom Receiver that receives data over a socket. Received bytes is interpreted as
  * text and \n delimited lines are considered as records. They are then counted and printed.
  * To run this on your local machine, you need to first run a Netcat server
  *    `$ nc -lk 9999`
  * and then run the example
  *    `$ bin/run-example org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.CustomReceiver localhost 9999`
object CustomReceiver {
   def main(args : Array[String]) {
     if (args.length < 2 ) {
       System.err.println( "Usage: CustomReceiver <hostname> <port>" )
       System.exit( 1 )
     // Create the context with a 1 second batch size
     val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName( "CustomReceiver" )
     val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds( 1 ))
     // Create a input stream with the custom receiver on target ip:port and count the
     // words in input stream of \n delimited text (eg. generated by 'nc')
     val lines = ssc.receiverStream( new CustomReceiver(args( 0 ), args( 1 ).toInt))
     val words = lines.flatMap( _ .split( " " ))
     val wordCounts = words.map(x = > (x, 1 )).reduceByKey( _ + _ )
class CustomReceiver(host : String, port : Int)
   extends Receiver[String](StorageLevel.MEMORY _ AND _ DISK _ 2 ) with Logging {
   def onStart() {
     // Start the thread that receives data over a connection
     new Thread( "Socket Receiver" ) {
       override def run() { receive() }
   def onStop() {
    // There is nothing much to do as the thread calling receive()
    // is designed to stop by itself isStopped() returns false
   /** Create a socket connection and receive data until receiver is stopped */
   private def receive() {
    var socket : Socket = null
    var userInput : String = null
    try {
      logInfo( "Connecting to " + host + ":" + port)
      socket = new Socket(host, port)
      logInfo( "Connected to " + host + ":" + port)
      val reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8" ))
      userInput = reader.readLine()
      while (!isStopped && userInput ! = null ) {
        userInput = reader.readLine()
      logInfo( "Stopped receiving" )
      restart( "Trying to connect again" )
    } catch {
      case e : java.net.ConnectException = >
        restart( "Error connecting to " + host + ":" + port, e)
      case t : Throwable = >
        restart( "Error receiving data" , t)











  用户自定义的Akka Actor同样可以被用于数据的接收。ActorHelper trait可以使用在任何的Akka actor中,并且可以使用store(...)方法把接收到的数据存储在Spark中。actor的监管策略做相关的配置来处理异常等,如下:

  User : 过往记忆
  Date : 2016 03 03
  Time : 22 : 52 : 23
  bolg : http : //www.iteblog.com
  本文地址:http : //www.iteblog.com/archives/1594
  过往记忆博客微信公共帐号:iteblog _ hadoop
class CustomActor extends Actor with ActorHelper {
   def receive = {
     case data : String = > store(data)


// Assuming ssc is the StreamingContext
val lines = ssc.actorStream[String](Props( new CustomActor()), "CustomReceiver" )


package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.Random
import akka.actor. _
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.akka.{ActorReceiver, AkkaUtils}
case class SubscribeReceiver(receiverActor : ActorRef)
case class UnsubscribeReceiver(receiverActor : ActorRef)
  * Sends the random content to every receiver subscribed with 1/2
  *  second delay.
class FeederActor extends Actor {
   val rand = new Random()
   val receivers = new LinkedHashSet[ActorRef]()
   val strings : Array[String] = Array( "words " , "may " , "count " )
   def makeMessage() : String = {
     val x = rand.nextInt( 3 )
     strings(x) + strings( 2 - x)
    * A thread to generate random messages
   new Thread() {
     override def run() {
       while ( true ) {
         Thread.sleep( 500 )
         receivers.foreach( _ ! makeMessage)
   def receive : Receive = {
     case SubscribeReceiver(receiverActor : ActorRef) = >
       println( "received subscribe from %s" .format(receiverActor.toString))
       receivers + = receiverActor
     case UnsubscribeReceiver(receiverActor : ActorRef) = >
       println( "received unsubscribe from %s" .format(receiverActor.toString))
       receivers - = receiverActor
  * A sample actor as receiver, is also simplest. This receiver actor
  * goes and subscribe to a typical publisher/feeder actor and receives
  * data.
  * @see [[org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.FeederActor]]
class SampleActorReceiver[T](urlOfPublisher : String) extends ActorReceiver {
   lazy private val remotePublisher = context.actorSelection(urlOfPublisher)
   override def preStart() : Unit = remotePublisher ! SubscribeReceiver(context.self)
   def receive : PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
     case msg = > store(msg.asInstanceOf[T])
   override def postStop() : Unit = remotePublisher ! UnsubscribeReceiver(context.self)
  * A sample feeder actor
  * Usage: FeederActor <hostname> <port>
  *   <hostname> and <port> describe the AkkaSystem that Spark Sample feeder would start on.
object FeederActor {
   def main(args : Array[String]) {
     if (args.length < 2 ){
       System.err.println( "Usage: FeederActor <hostname> <port>\n" )
       System.exit( 1 )
     val Seq(host, port) = args.toSeq
     val akkaConf = ConfigFactory.parseString(
       s "" "akka.actor.provider = " akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider "
          |akka.remote.enabled-transports = [" akka.remote.netty.tcp "]
          |akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname = " $host "
          |akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = $port
          |" "" .stripMargin)
        val actorSystem = ActorSystem( "test" , akkaConf)
     val feeder = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[FeederActor], "FeederActor" )
     println( "Feeder started as:" + feeder)
  * A sample word count program demonstrating the use of plugging in
  * Actor as Receiver
  * Usage: ActorWordCount <hostname> <port>
  *   <hostname> and <port> describe the AkkaSystem that Spark Sample feeder is running on.
  * To run this example locally, you may run Feeder Actor as
  *    `$ bin/run-example org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.FeederActor localhost 9999`
  * and then run the example
  *    `$ bin/run-example org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.ActorWordCount localhost 9999`
object ActorWordCount {
   def main(args : Array[String]) {
     if (args.length < 2 ) {
         "Usage: ActorWordCount <hostname> <port>" )
       System.exit( 1 )
     val Seq(host, port) = args.toSeq
     val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName( "ActorWordCount" )
     // Create the context and set the batch size
     val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds( 2 ))
      * Following is the use of AkkaUtils.createStream to plug in custom actor as receiver
      * An important point to note:
      * Since Actor may exist outside the spark framework, It is thus user's responsibility
      * to ensure the type safety, i.e type of data received and InputDStream
      * should be same.
      * For example: Both AkkaUtils.createStream and SampleActorReceiver are parameterized
      * to same type to ensure type safety.
     val lines = AkkaUtils.createStream[String](
         "akka.tcp://test@%s:%s/user/FeederActor" .format(host, port.toInt)),
       "SampleReceiver" )
     // compute wordcount
     lines.flatMap( _ .split( "\\s+" )).map(x = > (x, 1 )).reduceByKey( _ + _ ).print()
本文翻译自:《Spark Streaming Custom Receivers》:http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/streaming-custom-receivers.html


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