
2024-05-27 02:04


 示例 项目


Examples Overview | ROBOT FRAMEWORK

Vehicle Insurance App


*** Settings ***-用来引入库和资源

*** Variables *** 用来指定变量,在测试用例中可使用${}来引用。

*** Test Cases *** 下面为用例,其中用例Create Quote for Car下包含的关键字,都是在*** Keywords ***中自定义的。

[Documentation] 用来定义测试用例的文档

[Tags] 用来定义测试用例的tag

*** Keywords *** 定义关键字,关键字下调用Browser库文件中的关键字

  1. [Arguments] firstname=Max{lastname}=Mustermann

    • 这行定义了这个关键字需要的参数及其默认值。在这个例子中,Enter Insurant Data 关键字接受两个参数:firstname 和 lastname。如果调用这个关键字时没有提供这些参数的值,那么它们将分别默认为 Max 和 Mustermann
*** Settings ***
Library    Browser*** Variables ***
${BROWSER}    chromium
${HEADLESS}    false*** Test Cases ***
Create Quote for CarOpen Insurance ApplicationEnter Vehicle Data for AutomobileEnter Insurant DataEnter Product DataSelect Price OptionSend QuoteEnd Test*** Keywords ***
Open Insurance ApplicationNew Browser    browser=${BROWSER}    headless=${HEADLESS}New Context    locale=en-GBNew Page Vehicle Data for AutomobileClick    div.main-navigation >> "Automobile"Select Options By    id=make    text    AudiFill Text    id=engineperformance    110Fill Text    id=dateofmanufacture    06/12/1980Select Options By    id=numberofseats    text    5Select Options By    id=fuel    text    Petrol    Fill Text    id=listprice    30000Fill Text    id=licenseplatenumber    DMK1234Fill Text    id=annualmileage   10000 Click    section[style="display: block;"] >> text=Next »Enter Insurant Data[Arguments]    ${firstname}=Max    ${lastname}=MustermannFill Text    id=firstname    MaxFill Text    id=lastname    MustermannFill Text    id=birthdate    01/31/1980Check Checkbox    *css=label >> id=gendermaleFill Text    id=streetaddress    Test StreetSelect Options By    id=country    text    GermanyFill Text    id=zipcode    40123Fill Text    id=city    EssenSelect Options By    id=occupation    text    EmployeeClick    text=Cliff DivingClick    section[style="display: block;"] >> text=Next »Enter Product DataFill Text    id=startdate    06/01/2023Select Options By    id=insurancesum    text    7.000.000,00Select Options By    id=meritrating    text    Bonus 1Select Options By    id=damageinsurance    text    No CoverageCheck Checkbox    *css=label >> id=EuroProtectionSelect Options By    id=courtesycar    text    YesClick    section[style="display: block;"] >> text=Next »Select Price Option[Arguments]    ${price_option}=SilverClick    *css=label >> css=[value=${price_option}]Click    section[style="display: block;"] >> text=Next »Send QuoteFill Text    "E-Mail" >> .. >> input    max.mustermann@example.comFill Text    "Phone" >> .. >> input    0049201123456Fill Text    "Username" >> .. >> input    max.mustermannFill Text    "Password" >> .. >> input    SecretPassword123!Fill Text    "Confirm Password" >> .. >> input    SecretPassword123!Fill Text    "Comments" >> .. >> textarea    Some comments${promise}=     Promise To    Wait For Response     matcher=     timeout=10Click    "« Send »"${body}=    Wait For    ${promise}Log    ${body}[status]Log    ${body}[body]Wait For Elements State    "Sending e-mail success!"Click    "OK"End TestClose ContextClose Browser

WFA login


另外在Settings里可以使用Suite Setup和Suite Teardown进行test suite级别的测试数据准备和清理

Test Setup和Suite Teardown进行test级别前置和后置准备。

*** Settings ***
Library    Browser
Suite Setup    New Browser    browser=${BROWSER}    headless=${HEADLESS}
Test Setup    New Context
Test Teardown    Close Context
Suite Teardown    Close Browser*** Variables ***
${BROWSER}    chromium
${HEADLESS}    False*** Test Cases ***
Login with MFANew Page Text    id=username    demo_userFill Text    id=password    secret_pass${totp}    Get Totp    GAXG2MTEOR3DMMDGFill Text    id=totpcode     ${totp}Click    "Sign in"Get Text  h1  ==  Welcome!

import pyotpdef get_totp(secret):totp = pyotp.TOTP(secret)return

Restful Booker

*** Settings ***
Library    RequestsLibrary
Library    Collections
Suite Setup    Authenticate as Admin*** Test Cases ***
Get Bookings from Restful Booker${body}    Create Dictionary    firstname=John${response}    GET    ${body}Status Should Be    200Log List    ${response.json()}FOR  ${booking}  IN  @{response.json()}${response}    GET${booking}[bookingid]TRYLog    ${response.json()}EXCEPTLog    Cannot retrieve JSON due to invalid dataENDENDCreate a Booking at Restful Booker${booking_dates}    Create Dictionary    checkin=2022-12-31    checkout=2023-01-01${body}    Create Dictionary    firstname=Hans    lastname=Gruber    totalprice=200    depositpaid=false    bookingdates=${booking_dates}${response}    POST    url=    json=${body}${id}    Set Variable    ${response.json()}[bookingid]Set Suite Variable    ${id}${response}    GET${id}Log    ${response.json()}Should Be Equal    ${response.json()}[lastname]    GruberShould Be Equal    ${response.json()}[firstname]    HansShould Be Equal As Numbers    ${response.json()}[totalprice]    200Dictionary Should Contain Value     ${response.json()}    GruberDelete Booking${header}    Create Dictionary    Cookie=token\=${token}${response}    DELETE    url=${id}    headers=${header}Status Should Be    201    ${response}*** Keywords ***
Authenticate as Admin${body}    Create Dictionary    username=admin    password=password123${response}    POST    url=    json=${body}Log    ${response.json()}${token}    Set Variable    ${response.json()}[token]Log    ${token}Set Suite Variable    ${token}

todo MVC


*** Settings ***
Library    Browser
Library    String
Suite Setup    New Browser    browser=${BROWSER}    headless=${HEADLESS}
Test Setup    New Context    viewport={'width': 1920, 'height': 1080}
Test Teardown    Close Context
Suite Teardown    Close Browser*** Variables ***
${BROWSER}    chromium
${HEADLESS}    False*** Test Cases ***
Add Two ToDos And Check Items[Documentation]    Checks if ToDos can be added and ToDo count increases[Tags]    Add ToDoGiven ToDo App is openWhen I Add A New ToDo "Learn Robot Framework"And I Add A New ToDo "Write Test Cases"Then Open ToDos should show "2 items left"Add Two ToDos And Check Wrong Number Of Items[Documentation]    Checks if ToDos can be added and ToDo count increases[Tags]    Add ToDoGiven ToDo App is openWhen I Add A New ToDo "Learn Robot Framework"And I Add A New ToDo "Write Test Cases"Then Open ToDos should show "1 items left"Add ToDo And Mark Same ToDo[Tags]    Mark ToDoGiven ToDo App is openWhen I Add A New ToDo "Learn Robot Framework"And I Mark ToDo "Learn Robot Framework"Then Open ToDos should show "0 items left"Check If Marked ToDos are removedGiven ToDo App is openAnd I Added Two ToDosWhen I Mark One ToDoThen Open ToDos should show "1 item left"Split ToDosGiven ToDo App is openWhen I Add New ToDos "Learn Robot Framework&Write Test Cases&Sleep"Then Open ToDos should show "3 items left"Add A Lot Of TodosGiven ToDo App is openWhen I Add "100" ToDosThen Open ToDos should show "100 items left"Add A Lot Of Todos With WHILEGiven ToDo App is openWhen I Add "100" ToDos With WHILE LoopThen Open ToDos should show "100 items left"*** Keywords ***
ToDo App is openNew Page Add A New ToDo "${todo}"   Fill Text  .new-todo  ${todo}Press Keys  .new-todo  EnterI Add New ToDos "${todo}"IF  "&" in $todo@{todos}    Split String    ${todo}    separator=&FOR  ${item}  IN  @{todos}Fill Text  .new-todo  ${item}Press Keys  .new-todo  Enter ENDELSEFill Text  .new-todo  ${todo}Press Keys  .new-todo  EnterENDOpen ToDos should show "${text}"Get Text    span.todo-count    ==    ${text}I Mark ToDo "${todo}"Click    "${todo}" >> .. >> input.toggleI Added Two ToDosI Add A New ToDo "Learn Robot Framework"I Add A New ToDo "Write Test Cases"I Mark One ToDoClick    li:first-child >> input.toggleI Add "${count}" ToDosFOR    ${index}    IN RANGE    ${count}I Add A New ToDo "My ToDo Number ${index}"    ENDI Add "${count}" ToDos With WHILE Loop${x}=    Set Variable    ${0}WHILE  ${x} < ${count}${x}=    Evaluate    ${x} + 1I Add A New ToDo "My ToDo Number ${x}"END




从如下链接中下载轴承数据集。 import numpy as npimport as sioimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport statistics as statsimport pandas


一款用于展示风水行业,周易测算行业,玄学行业的系统,并支持售卖自己的商品。 整洁大气,非常漂亮,前端内容均可通过后台修改。 大致功能: 支持前端内容通过后端自定义支持开启关闭会员功能,会员等级设置支持对接官方支付支持添加商品类支持添加虚拟下载类支持自定义其他类型字段支持生成虚拟激活卡支持采集其他站点文章支持对接收益广告支持文章评论支持积分功能支持推广功能更多功能,搭建完成自行体验吧! 原文

53、Flink Interval Join 代码示例

1、概述 interval Join 默认会根据 keyBy 的条件进行 Join 此时为 Inner Join; interval Join 算子的水位线会取两条流中水位线的最小值; interval Join 迟到数据的判定是以 interval Join 算子的水位线为基准; interval Join 可以分别输出两条流中迟到的数据-[sideOutputLeftLateData,

【Unity Shader】Alpha Blend(Alpha混合)的概念及其使用示例

在Unity和图形编程中,Alpha Blend(也称为Alpha混合)是一种用于处理像素透明度的技术。它允许像素与背景像素融合,从而实现透明或半透明的效果。Alpha Blend在渲染具有透明度的物体(如窗户、玻璃、水、雾等)时非常重要。 Alpha Blend的概念: Alpha值:Alpha值是一个介于0(完全透明)和1(完全不透明)的数值,用于表示像素的透明度。混合模式:Alpha B


Zookeeper数据结构 zk客户端常用命令 进入客户端 在bin目录下输入./ 查看根目录下数据ls / 注意:要查看哪一个节点,必须把路径写全 查看节点数据信息 get /第一行代码数据,没有的话表示没有数据 创建节点create /sl 20 /sl为节点的路径,20为节点的数据 注意,不能跨越创建,也就是说,创建sl2的时候,必须确保sl


首先简单了解一下帧率 FixedUpdate( )   >   Update( )   >   LateUpdate( ) 首先FixedUpdate的设置值 默认一秒运行50次 虽然默认是0.02秒,但FiexedUpdate并不是真的0.02秒调用一次,因为在脚本的生命周期内,FixedUpdate有一个小循环,这个循环也是通过物理时间累计看是不是大于0.02了,然后调用一次。有


Java中的集合框架使用技巧 大家好,我是免费搭建查券返利机器人省钱赚佣金就用微赚淘客系统3.0的小编,也是冬天不穿秋裤,天冷也要风度的程序猿!今天我们将深入探讨Java中集合框架的使用技巧,这些技巧能够帮助我们更高效地处理数据和优化程序性能。 Java集合框架概述 Java集合框架提供了一组实现了各种集合接口的类和接口,用于存储和操作数据。它包括列表、集合、队列和映射等数据结构,能够满足不


原文链接: 错误提示: 【“/”应用程序中的服务器错误。  分析器错误 说明: 在分析向此请求提供服务所需资源时出错。请检查下列特定分析错误详细信息并适当地修改源文件。  分析器错误信息: 发现不明确的匹配。】   这个问题发生原因一般情况是


效果图: 代码示例: #include <osgViewer/Viewer>#include <osg/Node>#include <osg/Geode>#include <osg/Group>#include <osg/Camera>#include <osg/ShapeDrawable>#include <osg/ComputeBoundsVisitor>#include


由于只是简单的示例,所以小汽车的模型也比较简单,是由简单的几何体组成。 代码如下: #include <osg\ShapeDrawable>#include <osg\AnimationPath>#include <osg\MatrixTransform>#include<osgDB\ReadFile>#include<osgViewer\Viewer>osg::MatrixTr