GIT -- gitflow的maven插件(gitflow-maven-plugin)

2024-05-25 12:48
文章标签 maven 插件 git plugin gitflow

本文主要是介绍GIT -- gitflow的maven插件(gitflow-maven-plugin),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



mvn gitflow:release-startStarts a release branch and updates version(s) to release version.
mvn gitflow:release-finishMerges a release branch and updates version(s) to next development version.
mvn gitflow:releaseReleases project w/o creating a release branch.
mvn gitflow:feature-startStarts a feature branch and optionally updates version(s).
mvn gitflow:feature-finishMerges a feature branch.
mvn gitflow:hotfix-startStarts a hotfix branch and updates version(s) to hotfix version.
mvn gitflow:hotfix-finishMerges a hotfix branch.
mvn gitflow:support-startStarts a support branch from the production tag.
mvn gitflow:helpDisplays help information.


mvn -DpushRemote=true -DallowSnapshots=false gitflow:release-start
- DpushRemote:true的时候自动push到远端仓库
- DallowSnapshots:true的时候,允许创建的分支中存在*-SNAPSHOT的jar存在。
- DskipTestProject=true:跳过单元测试


  • The gitflow:release-finish, gitflow:release and gitflow:hotfix-finish goals have skipTag parameter. This parameter controls whether the release/hotfix will be tagged in Git. The default value is false (i.e. the release/hotfix will be tagged).

  • The gitflow:feature-start goal has skipFeatureVersion parameter which controls whether the feature name will be appended to the project version or not. The default value is false (e.g. if the project version is 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT and feature name is feature_name then after the execution it will be 1.0.0-feature_name-SNAPSHOT).

  • The gitflow:feature-start goal has featureNamePattern parameter which allows to enforce naming of the feature branches with a regular expression. Doesn’t have effect if it isn’t set or left blank. By default it isn’t set.

  • All -finish goals have keepBranch parameter which controls whether created support branch will be kept in Git after the goal finishes. The default value is false (i.e. the supporting branch will be deleted). If the pushRemote parameter is set to true and keepBranch is false remote branch will be deleted as well.

  • All -finish goals and gitflow:release have skipTestProject parameter which controls whether Maven test goal will be called before merging branches. The default value is false (i.e. the project will be tested before merging branches).

  • All release goals have allowSnapshots parameter which controls whether SNAPSHOT dependencies are allowed. The default value is false (i.e. build fails if there SNAPSHOT dependency in project).

  • The gitflow:release-finish and gitflow:release goals have digitsOnlyDevVersion parameter which will remove qualifiers from the next development version if set to true. For example, if the release version is 1.0.0-Final then development version will be 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT. The default value is false (i.e. qualifiers will be preserved in next development version).

  • The gitflow:release-finish and gitflow:release goals have developmentVersion parameter which can be used to set the next development version in non-interactive mode.

  • The gitflow:release-finish and gitflow:release goals have versionDigitToIncrement parameter which controls which digit to increment in the next development version. Starts from zero. For example, if the release version is and versionDigitToIncrement is set to 1 then the next development version will be If not set or set to not valid value defaults to increment last digit in the version.

  • The gitflow:release-start and gitflow:release-finish have commitDevelopmentVersionAtStart parameter which controls whether the next development version is set and committed at start or after finish. By default the value is false which means that the next development version is set on the development branch after the release branch has been merged onto the development branch when finishing the release. This has the benefit of being able to easily cancel the release process simply by deleting the release branch. If the value is true then versioning happens on gitflow:release-start. First the project version is set to the release version on the development branch and the release branch is created. Then the development branch is set to the next development version. This allows the development branch to continue immediately with a new version and helps avoid any future merge conflicts related to project versioning. Has effect only when there are separate development and production branches.

  • The gitflow:release-start goal have fromCommit parameter which allows to start the release from the specific commit (SHA).

Remote interaction

At the start of the each goal remote branch(es) will be fetched and compared with the local branch(es). If the local branch doesn’t exist it will be checked out from the remote. Both of these options can be turned off by setting fetchRemote parameter to false.

At the end of the -finish goals development or production and development branches will be pushed to remote. This can be turned off by setting pushRemote parameter to false.

At the end of the -start goals newly created branch (release / feature / hotfix) can be pushed to the remote. This can be achieved by setting pushRemote parameter to true.

The default remote name is origin. It can be customized with custom_origin configuration in pom.xml.

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30常用 Maven 命令

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在cscode中创建java项目 可以通过博客完成maven的导入 建立maven项目 使用快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + P 建立一个 Maven 项目 1 Ctrl + Shift + P 打开输入框2 输入 "> java create"3 选择 maven4 选择 No Archetype5 输入 域名6 输入项目名称7 建立一个文件目录存放项目,文件名一般为项目名8 确定


Git使用说明 下载安装(下载地址) macOS: Git - Downloading macOS Windows: Git - Downloading Windows Linux/Unix: Git ( 创建新仓库 本地创建新仓库:创建新文件夹,进入文件夹目录,执行指令 git init ,用以创建新的git 克隆仓库 执行指令用以创建一个本地仓库的

maven 编译构建可以执行的jar包

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Maven创建项目中的groupId, artifactId, 和 version的意思

文章目录 groupIdartifactIdversionname groupId 定义:groupId 是 Maven 项目坐标的第一个部分,它通常表示项目的组织或公司的域名反转写法。例如,如果你为公司 开发软件,groupId 可能是 com.example。作用:groupId 被用来组织和分组相关的 Maven artifacts,这样可以避免

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