

文章目录 场景实际操作编写相关函数np.apply_along_axis 场景 设想我有一列高维向量,读取之后的数据都是字符串变量,我需要把这些字符串数据转换为复数之后求绝对值 实际操作 在使用pd.read_csv()读取数据之后,将这一列数据转换为numpy数组 data = pd.read_csv(path,header=3).to_numpy() # heade

9.png malformed,No marked region found along edge,Found along top edge 问题解决

9.png malformed.或 No marked region found along edge.以及 Found along top edge 的问题解决。 主要是因为该图片没有四周的定位像素。 有两种解决方法:1,,讲其后缀名改为普通名字。2,将其做成点九图片。 详细内容请看:

Numpy自定义功能函数 np.apply_along_axis()(第14讲)

Numpy自定义功能函数 np.apply_along_axis()(第14讲)         🍹博主 侯小啾 感谢您的支持与信赖。☀️ 🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ🌹꧔ꦿ   ✨本博客收录于专栏Python数据分析宝

mask_rcnn:boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 0 ...(已解决)

问题:IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 0 but corresponding boolean dimension is 1 在用mask_rcnn做目标检测,训练模型时,报错如下图所示,model.py里的 _idx = np.sum(mask, axis

C - Travel along the Line ZOJ - 4006

题目 C - Travel along the Line ZOJ - 4006 BaoBao is traveling along a line with infinite length.At the beginning of his trip, he is standing at position 0. At the beginning of each second, if he is st

Along the Time: Timeline-traced Embedding for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion

Along the Time: Timeline-traced Embedding for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion 💕当前模型存在的问题💕 1.most existing models ignore the independence of semantic and temporal information(simply concatena

IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 1 but correspo

IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 1 but corresponding boolean dimension is 255 使用mask rcnn训练模型,但是没使用labelme标注工具,使用的是二值化图像,出现标题所示的情况。 搞了一下午,终于找到原因了