

Physical Channel:40个RF频道,3个是advertising 的,37个是data的。 advertising channel index的37对应的频率是:2402Mhz,38是2426Mhz,39是2480Mhz。data channe l index 0是2404,步进2Mhz。 空中包结构:Link Layer packet format: |1

DEAR: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online Advertising Impression in Recommender Systems

文章目录 总结细节实验 总结 dqn,在线学习 细节 由DQN判断是否应该在推荐序列中加入广告,并且给出最佳广告、广告出现的最佳位置 states: 用户的推荐历史和广告历史,contexutal info等 action: a t = ( a t a d , a t l o c ) a_t = (a_t^{ad}, a_t^{loc}) at​=(atad​,atloc

【雅思大作文考官范文】——第四篇: 'power of advertising' essay

转载地: 题目: Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you

手推广告论文(一)实时广告投竞标优化与预算控制Real time bid optimization with smooth budget delivery in online advertising

Real time bid optimization with smooth budget delivery in online advertising原论文 实时广告投竞标优化与预算控制 摘要 在当今的在线广告市场,每天都有数以十亿计的广告展示位通过实时竞价(RTB)交易所进行公开拍卖。在这种情况下,广告商需要在毫秒级时间内为每个收到的RTB广告请求提交投标。受预算限制,广告商的目标是购买

手把手教你从零开始搭建Amazon Advertising-API开发环境(二)之获取SP广告数据

1. 获取access_token 官方链接 1.1 请求路径 POST 地区URLNA 1.2 请求事例 curl \