
1091 Acute Stroke (30 分) 三维广搜bfs

One important factor to identify acute stroke (急性脑卒中) is the volume of the stroke core. Given the results of image analysis in which the core regions are identified in each MRI slice, your job is to c

1091 Acute Stroke (三维搜索)

题目可能看起来很难的样子,但是看懂了其实挺简单的。(众所周知,pat考察英文水平) 题目意思大概是:给你一个L*M*N的01长方体,求全为1的连通块的总体积大小。(连通块体积大于T才计算在内) 思路:直接搜索每个为1的点,计算连通块大小即可。 #include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int n,m,l,t;int mp[70][1300][


Acute主要的两种逻辑分析仪型号:3系TL3134E、4系TL4134E,本文主要讲解四系逻辑分析仪软件版本。 1. 基本原理 根据设定的采样频率,通过采样时钟对被测的逻辑信号进行采样,采样出来的信号和阈值电平比较,再以数字信号0、1的形式展示出来。逻辑分析仪的几个常用名词:门限电平(触发电平、阈值电平)、采样率、触发方式。 1.1. 触发电平         区

1091 Acute Stroke

题目大意 给出一个L层的切片,每一块切片是一个大小为M * N 的二维矩阵,其中为1的位置就是病变的位置,将这L层切片上下堆叠起来就形成了一个立体映像,二维状态的病变位置也就组成了立体的肿瘤。现在让你计算肿瘤的体积(也就是1的个数)。但是,体积不超过T的肿瘤不计数。有邻边的和满足如图所示的这种六块红色病变位置均可组成一个肿瘤。 思路解析 一道十分考察耐心的题,应用的思想

PAT 1091 Acute Stroke

下面会有中文解释     下面会有中文解释      下面会有中文解释                                                                        1091 Acute Stroke (30分) One important factor to identify acute stroke (急性脑卒中) is the vol

PAT 1091 Acute Stroke

PAT 1091 Acute Stroke One important factor to identify acute stroke (急性脑卒中) is the volume of the stroke core. Given the

PAT-1091 Acute Stroke

1091 Acute Stroke (30)(30 分) One important factor to identify acute stroke (急性脑卒中) is the volume of the stroke core. Given the results of image analysis in which the core regions are identified in ea

PTA甲级 1091 Acute Stroke (C++)

One important factor to identify acute stroke (急性脑卒中) is the volume of the stroke core. Given the results of image analysis in which the core regions are identified in each MRI slice, your job is to c

1091 Acute Stroke (30 分)

One important factor to identify acute stroke (急性脑卒中) is the volume of the stroke core. Given the results of image analysis in which the core regions are identified in each MRI slice, your job is to c

1091 Acute Stroke (30分)(经典BFS的问题)

BFS的题目可以用来求解两种经典的问题,一种是求矩阵中连续块的数量,另一种是求走出迷宫所需的最小的步数,这两种应用都有着挺明显的套路,在掌握其基本思想的基础上,可以灵活的解决相应的变形的题目 题目描述如下: 题目大致意思: 脑子由薄片组成,MxN是一片薄片的长与宽,L是片数,T是单个中风核心的体积的阈值。 //若三维矩阵中有若干个邻接的像素1,则这些像素1构成了1块中风核心。 可能出现多

PAT甲级——Acute Stroke

One important factor to identify acute stroke (急性脑卒中) is the volume of the stroke core. Given the results of image analysis in which the core regions are identified in each MRI slice, your job is to c