
VSS2005配置错误:The Sourcesafe Web service cannot be accessed at the specified address

一开始设置的是 Mircosoft Visual SourceSafe(Internet)选项,如果是局域网选择Mircosoft Visual SourceSafe(本人是在自己的电脑上配置的服务端) 解决方案: 【在VS2012中设置如下: 工具-选项-源代码管理-插件选项-当前源代码管理插件 选择 Mircosoft Visual SourceSafe】 输入服务器IP地址和共享

JNI--JNI ERROR (app bug): accessed stale local reference

最近,在APP测试过程中发现一个crash,查看log发现如下错误: 07-30 14:15:24.053: E/dalvikvm(23567): JNI ERROR (app bug): accessed stalelocal reference 0x2bf00005 (index 1 in a table of size 0) 07-30 14:15:24.053: E/dalvikv

Vue3报错Property “xxx“ was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.

使用Vue3重构自己项目时遇到报错 Property "xxx" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance,碰到这个报错已经不是一次两次了,写篇文章记录一下。 翻译 Property "xxx" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance. 意

Vue3报错Property “xxx“ was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.

使用Vue3重构自己项目时遇到报错 Property "xxx" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance,碰到这个报错已经不是一次两次了,写篇文章记录一下。 翻译 Property "xxx" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance. 意

Variable ‘i‘ is accessed from within inner class, needs to be final or effectively final

这个错误翻译一下,就是说变量“i”是从内部类中访问的,需要是final或有效的final 当时的代码如下:           内部类使用外部的局部变量时,因为外部的局部变量随着生命周期的结束而销毁,但内部类的生命周期还未结束,还在使用该变量,这样子就会造成内外不一致。在jdk8之前,需要在该变量前面加上final,但是在jdk8之后,如果不涉及到变量的引用改变,则jdk会默认加上fin