gcc compiler is not in your $PATH it means either you dont have gcc installed or it's not in your $PATH variable to install gcc use this: (run as root) redhat base: yum groupinstall "Development tool
spring MVC中返回使用@ResponseBody注解返回时,后台没报错,就控制台显示406 Not Acceptable 原因是缺少jackson的包:jackson-core-asl-1.9.2.jar,jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.2.jar MVC通过Ajax获取JSON数据报406错误 转
博客来源: 项目中 新建 HTML页面 然后运行项目的时候发现报错,报错如下 根据在请求中接收的主动协商头字段,目标资源不具有用户代理可以接受的当前表示,并且服务器不愿意提供默认表示。 HTTP Status 406 – Not Acceptable Type Status Report Description The target resource does not have a cur
paper:Gupta A , Johnson J , Fei-Fei L , et al. Social GAN: Socially Acceptable Trajectories with Generative Adversarial Networks[J]. 2018.code:https://github.com/agrimgupta92/sgan 概览 文章提出了一种采用GAN