# [Lintcode]739. 24 Game/[Leetcode]679. 24 Game 本题难度: Hard/Medium ## Description You have 4 cards each containing a number from 1 to 9. You need to judge whether they could operated through *, /, +
24点游戏,游戏规则就是利用()、+、-、 *、 /,对四个数字任意运算,可以得出24点则为true。 排列组合问题,最多有A42*A32*A22*4*4*4,也就是12*6*2*4*4=9216种组合方法,于是即使是暴力遍历也不会太慢。 Runtime: 4 ms, faster than 77.92% of C++ online submissions for 24 Game. class
QUESTION 54 Which mode of database shutdown requires an instance recovery at the time of the next database startup? A. ABORT B. NORMAL C. IMMEDIATE D. TRANSACTIONAL Answer: A 同679题:http://blog.