

1.进入容器停止监听 docker exec -it -u 0 oracle11g bashsu - oraclelsnrctl stop listener 2.找到监听配置文件位置,修改监听文件 echo $ORACLE_HOME vi network/admin/listener.ora#在文件底部添加SECURE_REGISTER_LISTENER = (IPC)

LeetCode 1675. 数组的最小偏移量(堆+贪心)

给你一个由 n 个正整数组成的数组 nums 。 你可以对数组的任意元素执行任意次数的两类操作: 如果元素是 偶数 ,除以 2 例如,如果数组是 [1,2,3,4] ,那么你可以对最后一个元素执行此操作,使其变成 [1,2,3,2] 如果元素是 奇数 ,乘上 2 例如,如果数组是 [1,2,3,4] ,那么你可以对第一个元素执行此操作,使其变成 [2,2,3,4] 数组的 偏移量 是数组中任意

poj 1675 Happy Birthday!

与原点连线的最大夹角不小于120即可。 /** Author: stormdpzh* Created Time: 2012/7/19 16:01:35* File Name: poj_1675.cpp*/#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <sstream>#include <cstring>#include <string>

【百炼oj】1675:Happy Birthday!

描述There are three berries on a round birthday cake. You are required to divide the cake into three identical parts such that each part contains exactly one berry. To make it easy, it is assumed that t

Oracle Database Server 'TNS Listener'远程数据投毒漏洞(CVE-2012-1675)

一、解决方案 RAC:My Oracle Support Note 1340831.1非 RAC:My Oracle Support Note 1453883.1  二、简单举例:非 RAC 操作步骤,1453883.1文档中解决方案分两种 Restricting registration to the TCP protocol (Requires the fix for BUG:128