来源:http://www.bjsxt.com/ 1、S01E052_01数组基本概念和内存分析 public class Test01{/*** 1、数组是相同数据类型(数据类型可以为任意类型)的有序集合* 2、数组也是对象。数组元素相当于对象的成员变量(详情请见内存图)* 3、数组长度是确定的,不可变的。如果越界,则报:ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException*/int
//r[n]:当前第几列的值。 //l[n]:当前第几行的值。 暴力+减止 #include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;#define int long long const int n=1e3;int a,b,c,l[n],r[n],an; void dfs(int x,int y){if(x==b+1){an++;return ;}fo
1. 漏洞描述 漏洞描述:Struts2 REST插件的XStream组件存在反序列化漏洞,使用XStream组件对XML格式的数据包进行反序列化操作时,未对数据内容进行有效验证,存在安全隐患,可被远程攻击。漏洞编号:CVE-2017-9805漏洞作者:lgtm.com的安全研究员影响版本:Version 2.5.0 to 2.5.12 和 Version 2.3.0 to 2.3.33漏洞
1.复现S2-052远程代码执行漏洞 (1) cd vulhub/struts2/s2-052 切换目录。 (2) docker-compose up -d 启动 (3) (4)burpsuite抓包。 (5)send to repeater,修改数据包: POST /orders/3/
91. Examine these facts about a database. 1. The database default tabpespace is USERS. 2. DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION is TRUE. 3. The default tablespace of USER1 is tbs1. 4. USER1 has only these privile
83. You are using Enterprise Manager to schedule backups for your database. Which type of script would be generated by the backup scheduler? A.XML script B.PL/SQL script C.Operating system script
141. Which tablespaces are mandatory in an Oracle database for it to be operational? (Choose all that 强制性 apply.) A.Undo tablespace B.USERS tablespace C.SYSAUX tablespace D.SYSTEM tablespace E.T