JZ62 孩子们的游戏(圆圈中最后剩下的数) 题目题解(138)讨论(914)排行面经 new 中等 通过率:33.14% 时间限制:1秒 空间限制:256M 知识点基础数学 描述 每年六一儿童节,牛客都会准备一些小礼物和小游戏去看望孤儿院的孩子们。其中,有个游戏是这样的:首先,让 n 个小朋友们围成一个大圈,小朋友们的编号是0~n-1。然后,随机指定一个数 m ,让编号
With the development of our modern society, people‘s living conditions become much more comfortable. But along with intense competition, parents have less time to consider children’s needs in all-ro
[题目] Writes an essay, considering and assessing arguments for and against the following view: As reading is important for a good education, we should encourage our children to read whatever appea