1. Above the Clouds 選自 雲淡風輕 朦朧意境裡穿透出清澈的極簡派琴聲,凱文柯恩唯一超現實主義作品。2. Sundial Dreams 選自 綠鋼琴凱文柯恩說,這是他目前最受歡迎的曲子;他在自己的婚禮上,也播放這首曲子。3. Out of the Darkness into the Light 美國911事件紀念創作全新管絃樂版 2001年,台北,凱文柯恩「綠色奇蹟」亞洲首
句子 Covid-19 has reinforced the idea of older people as frail and vulnerable. Some previous pandemics have largely affected the young—the polio outbreaks of the 1950s mainly hit children under five; t