

用 yum安装方式的php,切换NTS为ZTS版本(切换为线程安全版本) 最好按我这个方法安装(安装比较全一点): https://www.cnblogs.com/fps2tao/p/7699448.html 其实按上面安装后默认httpd也安装了. systemctl stop firewalld //关闭防火墙 systemctl start httpd //开启服务 php -v 默认


1.ZTS zend thread safety,php线程安全,适用于Apache2+worker MPM 2.ts_allocate_id:allocates a new thread-safe-resource id;函数 TSRM_API ts_rsrc_id ts_allocate_id(ts_rsrc_id *rsrc_id, size_t size, ts_allocate_cto

checking for ZTS... configure: error: pthreads requires ZTS, please re-compile PHP with ZTS enabled

安装多线程“ pthreads”时,出现了一个这样的error错误:   checking for ZTS... configure: error: pthreads requires ZTS, please re-compile PHP with ZTS enabled 翻译成中文 检查ZTS…配置:错误:Pthreads需要ZTS,请重新编译PHP ZTS启用 ZTS