

重入漏洞 顾名思义,重入漏洞可以简单理解为“重新进入的漏洞”。举个简单的例子,你往某个合约里存入了1个Ether,然后点击退款,按理来说只能退一个Ether,但是可以利用重入漏洞反复退款,把合约里的Ether掏空。 以下,是一个有重入漏洞的合约,合约命名为Victim(受害者),主要实现几个功能:1)存款:用户往合约里存款,并给用户在合约里的账户记账(加);2)查询此合约的存款余额;3)取款:将

Verge Victim to Yet Another 51% Attack, XVG Down 15% In Past 24 Hours

The privacy and security-focused coin Verge has been subject to yet another 51% attack, seeing a price of XVG drop 15% over the past 24 hours. Last month, a Bitcointalk forum user ‘ocminer’ annou