
Description: A component required a bean of type ‘com.gxy.dao.UserDao‘ that could not be found. A

Description: A component required a bean of type ‘com.gxy.dao.UserDao’ that could not be found. Action: Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.gxy.dao.UserDao’ in your configuration. 1、Dao层中添加@map

Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.aynu.dao.UserDao‘ in your configuratio

Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.aynu.dao.UserDao’ in your configuratio 在Dao层的接口当中记得加@Mapper注解,否则将会报上面的错误提示信息

springboot项目解决 No beans of 'UserDao' type found 问题

今天创建了一个Springboot+mybatis+mysql的小测试用例,在没有添加service层的时候完全运行完全没有问题,但是添加了实现接口和实现类后报了检查错误 虽然不影响运行结果 ,但是本人有些强迫症看着不舒服,上网找解决方案吧。大概看了一下,网上给的解决方案基本都是下载安装Mybatis Plugin 插件,自己也尝试着下载了Mybatis Plugin插件,但是Mybatis