在python3.3后urllib2已经不能再用,只能用urllib.request来代替 response=urllib2.urlopen(’ File “b.py”, line 1, in ImportError: No module named ‘urllib2’ response=urllib.urlopen(’ File “b.py”, line 2, in http://www.b
python2中,urllib和urllib2 都是接受URL请求的相关模块,但是提供了不同的功能。两个最显著的不同如下: (urllib2.urlopen accepts an instance of the Requestclass or a url, whereas urllib.urlopen only accepts a url ) 1、urllib2可以接受一个Req
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6402051/getting-error-headers-with-urllib2 e has undocumented headers and hdrs properties that contains the HTTP headers sent by the server.
文章目录 1、urllib2问题:2、urllib2库的基本使用(1)urlopen(2)Request(3)User-Agent(4)添加更多的Header信息 1、urllib2问题: Solving environment: failedPackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available f