
IDEA中使用git合并分支的过程报错:cant checkout because of unmerged files

使用idea的git插件控制代码分支合并时,由于操作不当,报错了,控制台报错如下: cant checkout because of unmerged files,you have to resolve all merge conflicts before checkout. 仔细回想报错的起因,经过大概是这样的:首先,远程仓库里面的代码版本是很老了,而本地的代码版本比较新,因此在合并时,

Can‘t checkout because of unmerged files                 You have to resolve all merge conflicts bef

切换分支checkout 或者git pull代码的时候报错: Can't checkout because of unmerged files                 You have to resolve all merge conflicts before checkout.                 After resolving conflicts you also pr

Git--解决error: Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files.

文章目录 前言一、添加文件到暂存区二、提交暂存区文件三、拉取新代码到本地 前言 pull更新本地代码时,报错:error: Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files. 说明:报错提示有未合并的文件,不能pull。 一、添加文件到暂存区 git add . 二、提交暂存区文件 git commit

git合并错误 error: path ‘config/db.php’ is unmerged

2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> git合并错误 error: path ‘config/db.php’ is unmerged $ git checkout config/db.php error: path 'config/db.php' is unmerged $ git reset foo/bar.txt $ git checkout foo/bar.txt

解决error: Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files.

提交代码时发现已经 git merge了,执行提交操作却报:error: Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files ( 错误:由于未合并文件,无法提交文件。). lifeng@zx-047 MINGW64 /f/project_gitee/Test (master|MERGING)$ git commit -m'文件整

Git异常 #Git提交代码时提示:Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files.

1. 异常现象 IDEA 上进行 Git 代码提交时提示:Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files. 意思是:由于您没有合并的文件,因此无法提交。   2. 排查分析 找到她。   3. 解决方案 1)使用 Git 命令查看哪些文件冲突: git status 2)如果是已经解决了冲突,则只需要将文件添加