Container的解释 A Container is an object that can execute requests received froma client, and return responses based on those requests. A Container mayoptionally support a pipeline of Valves that proc
service是一个接口,在源码上有一段这样的话: A Service is a group of one or more Connectors that share a single Container to process their incoming requests. This arrangement allows, for example,a non-SSL and SSL con
文章目录 web相关知识概述web简介(了解)软件架构模式(掌握)BS:browser server 浏览器服务器CS:client server 客户端服务器 B/S和C/S通信模式特点(重要)web资源(理解)资源分类 URL请求路径(理解)作用介绍格式浏览器通过url访问服务器的过程 服务器(掌握)服务器介绍了解概述分类常见的web服务器 下载安装tomact服务器下载安装目录结构