
A Game of Thrones(45)

27.EDDARD(1) “Hard duty, my lord.” Jory grinned. “The men will be glad to help. Porther has made a fair start already.”    Ned’s favorite horse was saddled and waiting in the yard. Varly and Jacks fe

A Game of Thrones(44)

27.EDDARD(0) It’s the Hand’s tourney that’s the cause of all the trouble, my lords,” the Commander of the City Watch complained to the king’s council.    “The king’s tourney,” Ned corrected, wincing.

A Game of Thrones(43)

26.JON(2) The Wall loomed before them, glimmering palely in the light of the half moon. In the sky above, the stars burned clear and sharp. “Are they going to make me go up there?” Sam asked. His fac

A Game of Thrones(42)

26.JON(1) “I wanted to, truly. I just?.?.?.?I couldn’t. I didn’t want him to hit me anymore.” He looked at the ground. “I?.?.?.?I fear I’m a coward. My lord father always said so.” Grenn looked thund

A Game of Thrones(40)

25.EDDARD Lord Arryn’s death was a great sadness for all of us, my lord,” Grand Maester Pycelle said. “I would be more than happy to tell you what I can of the manner of his passing. Do be seated. Wo

A Game of Thrones(37)

23.DAENERYS(1) Jorah laughed. “Where else should he go? If he cannot find the khalasar, the khalasar will most surely find him. It is hard to drown in the Dothraki sea, child.” Dany saw the truth of

A Game of Thrones(81)

45.EDDARD(0) Pain is a gift from the gods, Lord Eddard,” Grand Maester Pycelle told him. “It means the bone is knitting, the flesh healing itself. Be thankful.”    “I will be thankful when my leg sto

A Game of Thrones(78)

43.EDDARD(1) “Ser Edmure has sent men to every village and holdfast within a day’s ride of the border,” Ser Karyl explained. “The next raider will not have such an easy time of it.”    And that may b

A Game of Thrones(73)

41.JON(0) You are as hopeless as any boys I have ever trained,” Ser Alliser Thorne announced when they had all assembled in the yard. “Your hands were made for manure shovels, not for swords, and if

A Game of Thrones(70)

39.EDDARD(1) “By what right do you dare lay hands on my blood?” Cersei demanded. “Who do you think you are?” “The Hand of the King,” Ned told her with icy courtesy. “Charged by your own lord husband

A Game of Thrones(82)

45.EDDARD(1) The godswood was empty, as it always was here in this citadel of the southron gods. Ned’s leg was screaming as they lowered him to the grass beside the heart tree. “Thank you.” He drew a

A Game of Thrones(103)

55.CATELYN(1) She reached across his table and touched his hair. “You are my firstborn, Robb. I have only to look at you to remember the day you came into the world, red-faced and squalling.”    He r

A Game of Thrones(101)

54.DAENERYS(1) The man bounded to his feet. “That? Dornish swill. It is not worthy of a princess. I have a dry red from the Arbor, crisp and delectable. Please, let me give you a cask.”    Khal Drogo