
990-44产品经理:Different types of Ethical Theories 不同类型的伦理理论

SLIDE 1 – INTRODUCTORY SLIDE 幻灯片1-介绍性幻灯片 Ethical theories provide part of the decision-making foundation for Decision Making When Ethics Are In Play because these theories represent the viewpoints fr

程序验证(七):可满足性模理论(Satisfiability Modulo Theories)

程序验证(七):可满足性模理论(Satisfiability Modulo Theories) SMT Satisfiability Modulo Theories(SMT)是以下情况的公式的判定问题: 一些一阶理论的复合具有任意的布尔结构 DPLL( T T T): DPLL Modulo Theories 这是现代SMT求解器的基础技术 将SMT问题分解为我呢吧可以高效求解的子问题: