
coco2dx新建项目报错,ld: -pie can only be used when targeting iOS 4.2 or later clang: error: linker command

在新建cocos2d-x以后,运行发现以下错误: ld: -pie can only be used when targeting iOS 4.2 or later clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) 如图所示: 这时候,选中左上角

xcassets: A XXxXX app icon is required for iPhone apps targeting releases of iOS prior to 7.0

很明显是图标尺寸设置的问题。 解决:Editor > New App Icon 之后会生成一个新的完整的图标集,再把图标拖进就可以了。 另外Xcode6下新建的项目比Xcode5下多了几个@3x的图标集等,如果需要在Xcode6下新建的项目在Xcode5下没有警告,只需打开Images.xcassets下AppIcon中Contents.json删掉对应的数组元素。

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You must not call setTag() on a view Glide is targeting

Glide使用问题 Glide setTag崩溃问题 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You must not call setTag() on a view Glide is targeting - 原因: and an Adapter which is using the usual ViewHolder pattern, i.e. in