
Android ALSA porting to smartq7

1. system/core/init/device.c加上一段代碼以創建/dev/snd: ......        } else if(!strncmp(uevent->subsystem, "mtd", 3)) {            base = "/dev/mtd/";            mkdir(base, 0755);        } else if(!strncmp(u

Boot my smartq7 from nfs filesystem

1. Configure nfs server on host   2. Configure dhcp server on host 修改 /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf   ddns-update-style ad-hoc;default

How to use JP108 usb lan adapter under SmartQ7 linux.

SmartQ7 如何使用JP108  USB网卡(买亏了,贪便宜,是个山寨货)   I have a SmartQ7, and I bought this JP108 from Taobao website.  Unfortunately, it is not recognized both by my linux host Ubuntu8.04 and SmartQ7 device at