
189.Leaf-Similar Trees

题目 Consider all the leaves of a binary tree. From left to right order, the values of those leaves form a leaf value sequence.  For example, in the given tree above, the leaf value sequence is (6,

Self-Similar Processes in Telecommunications

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Codeforces 1257 F Make Them Similar —— 哈希+折半状压

This way 题意: 现在有n个数,让你求一个数,让这些数异或上这个数,得到的新数组,每个数二进制下1的个数相同。 题解: 和我们这次新生校赛上的一道题目很像,解法都是相同的。 首先要想到将每一位分解出来,也就是第2的i次方这位取的话,对这些数的影响是什么,如果这一位上有的话,那么就是-1,否则+1.然后怎么将每个数都变成1个数相同的呢,我们只需要枚举0-30这些情况,然后检查我们异或


题目链接:攻防世界 ( 下载得到ogg文件。Olympic CTF 2014原题有提示120 LPM,对应Radiofax。需要将ogg格式文件转换成wav格式音频后,用OS X下的软件Multimode转换成单色传真图像: 文字部分为: section 1 of 1 of file rfax_man begin 644 rfax_man h5sg60BSx

Codeforces 856B Similar Words

题目链接 题目大意:你有一堆串,要求从这些串中选择一些前缀,使这些前缀: - 不相等 - 去掉首字母后也不相等 求最多选出多少前缀。 思路:我们考虑不合法的一对前缀会是什么样。 - 两个串相同或两个串差第一位相同 我们如果对于所有串建出AC自动机,会是什么一个表现? - 建出fail边之后,对于一个前缀i,fail[i]的长度应该是i的长度-1. 所以我们对于所有串建出AC自动机

linux shell similar with bat pause.

read -p "Press any key to start backup..."   #!/bin/bash# initfunction pause(){   read -p "$*"} # ...# call itpause 'Press any key to continue...'# rest of the script# ...

839. Similar String Groups(Leetcode每日一题-2021.01.31)

Problem Two strings X and Y are similar if we can swap two letters (in different positions) of X, so that it equals Y. Also two strings X and Y are similar if they are equal. For example, “tars” and

LeetCode872. Leaf-Similar Trees

文章目录 一、题目二、题解 一、题目 Consider all the leaves of a binary tree, from left to right order, the values of those leaves form a leaf value sequence. For example, in the given tree above, the leaf

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解决方案:Please use urllib or similar directly.

TensorFlow实现mnist书写数字分类, 在使用 from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_datamnist = input_data.read_data_sets('./data/mnist', one_hot=True) 导入mnist数据集时,无法下载。 出现please use urllib or simi

【已解决】Not a valid command: sbt-version (similar: writeSbtVersion, session)

如果报这个错的话 [info] Set current project to sbt (in build file:/usr/local/sbt/) [error] Expected ';' [error] Not a valid command: sbt-version (similar: writeSbtVersion, session) [error] Not a valid projec