
openssl3.2 - exp - class warp for sha3-512

文章目录 openssl3.2 - exp - class warp for sha3-512概述笔记调用方代码子类 - cipher_sha3_512.h子类 - cipher_sha3_512.cpp基类 - cipher_md_base.h基类 - cipher_md_base.cpp备注END openssl3.2 - exp - class warp for sha3-

openssl3.2 - exp - calc PE file checksum and SHA3-512

openssl3.2 - exp - calc PE file checksum and SHA3-512 概述 想在程序中, 对自身的PE内容算校验和和HASH, 然后送给服务端判断PE文件是否被修改了. 前几天, 看了一个资料, 里面有算PE校验和的实现. 迁移到自己工程. 但是没有算HASH, 正好已经将openssl官方demo过了一遍, 有个官方demo正好是对buffer算has

用 GPU 加速 PQC 方案:Montgomery、SHA3

参考文献: [DK91] Dussé S R, Kaliski B S. A cryptographic library for the Motorola DSP56000[C]//Advances in Cryptology—EUROCRYPT’90: Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques Aarh