SaltStack_Grains Grains 1.什么是grains:(静态数据,minion启动时采集) Grains Static bits of information that a minioncollects about the system when the minion first starts. The grains interface is made available t
哈喽大家好,我是咸鱼。 今天分享一个在压测过程中遇到的问题,当时排查这个问题费了我们好大的劲,所以我觉得有必要写一篇文章来记录一下。 问题出现 周末在进行压测的时候,测试和开发的同事反映压测有问题,请求打到 A 服务上被拒绝了。 我们登录服务器查看 A 服务的日志,发现频繁地报 Too many open files 错误,可以看到压测的时候该进程要处理大量的 socket,导致打开的文件
转自: Modules Salt modules are the functions called by the salt command. See also Full list of builtin modules Salt ships with many modules that c
转自: File Server Configuration The Salt file server is a high performance file server written in ZeroMQ. It manages large files quickly an