
RH850P1X芯片学习笔记-Generic Timer Module -ATOM

文章目录 ARU-connected Timer Output Module (ATOM)OverviewGLOBAL CHANNEL CONTROL BLOCK ATOM Channel architectureATOM Channel modesSOMP-Signal Output Mode PWMSOMP - ARUSOMC-Signal Output Mode CompareSOMC

RH850P1X芯片学习笔记-Flash Memory

文章目录 FeaturesClock Supply Block DiagramFlash SizeMemory ConfigurationRegistersRegister Base AddressList of RegistersRegister Reset Condition 与Flash Memory相关的操作模式Functional OverviewOption BytesOPBT0

RH850P1X芯片学习笔记-A/D Converter (ADCF)

文章目录 Features of RH850/P1x-C ADCFNumber of UnitsRegister Base AddressClock SupplyInterrupts and DMAHardware ResetExternal Input/Output SignalsVirtual Channel OverviewFunctional OverviewBlock Diagra

RH850P1X芯片学习笔记-Pin Functions

文章目录 Pin Connection Diagrams术语定义 Pin ListPort OverviewIntroductionFunctional OverviewPort CategoryOperation Mode运行模式 Port Function寄存器地址映射 Port寄存器描述Pn/JP0 — Port RegisterPPRn/JPPR0 — Port Pin Read