

自己在学习过程中发现,如果Eureka挂掉了,其他的Client就跑不起来了,那既然是商业项目,还是要处理好这个问题,所以决定用《Spring Cloud微服务实战》(PDF版在全栈技术交流群中自行获取)中说的“高可用注册中心”。 一开始我yml的配置是这样的 server:port: 8761eureka:instance:hostname:

could not be registered. A bean with that name has already been defined in file

今天在使用SpringBoot中的拦截器的功能是遇到了如下的BUG,为了让屏幕前的您尽快排雷,特此记录一下 ,报错信息如下: Description:The bean 'noLoginInterceptor', defined in class path resource [com/zwl/crm/config/MyConfig.class], could not be registered.

idea报URI is not registered 解决

解决方法: 鼠标点击红色字,然后Intellij出现小红灯,选择Fetch external resource即可解决

Redhat使用yum install时提示This system is not registered with an entitlement server 的解决办法

[root@localhost ~]# yum install vsftpd -yLoaded plugins: product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-managerThis system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-man

异常A web application registered the JBDC driver [com.mysql.jdbc.Driver] but faile

异常: A web application registered the JBDC driver [com.mysql.jdbc.Driver] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly

idea 删除module后重新导入,The project is already registered

解决方法:  .idea/gradle.xml 删除对应导入项目名即可

IDEA - xml配置文件提示 URI is not registered

报错提示如下: 光标停到标红的地方,左侧会有提示的红色小灯泡,点击红色小灯泡右边向下的箭头,选择图示就好了。 小灯泡变成黄色了,可以了。

idea添加gradle模块报错The project is already registered

添加gradle项目模块时报如下错误: 解决办法:在gradle中删除该工程

springboot 加载 bean could not be registered

在启动的时候   Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled. 2018-12-11 15:48:25.485 ERROR 10032 --- [           main] o.s.b.d.LoggingFa

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered: android.widget.ZoomButtonsController

由于某些原因需要在该activity的onDestroy方法里面调用webView.destroy()。当进入该webview并且进行缩放操作时,退出该activity程序崩溃。 找到三种方式: 第一种:web.setVisibility(View.GONE);把WebView设置为GONE就可以了。 第二种:延迟destroy webview @Overrideprotected

Idea中的html文件约束URI is not registered (Settings | Languages Frameworks | Schemas and DTDs

File -  Settings  - schemas and DtDs  点击加号把路劲输入点击确定

could not be registered. A bean with that name has already been defined in class path resource [com/

报错: could not be registered. A bean with that name has already been defined in class path resource [com/ocean/conf/SwaggerConfig.class] and overriding is disabled 解决方案总结: 1.删除拦截器类级别的@Component注解

Android Studio Error—URI is not registered

国庆回来准备改下布局,然后打开Layout发现URI的地方报错了.... 然后百度了下, 发现我是多么的2X 其实这个不是什么错误 只是开错了XML的文件 进入的路径不对 我进的是build目录下的XML文件 而实际上是要进src目录下的 比较低端的错误....

包执行中提示错误:The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.   操作系统:Windows Server 2008 64位企业版 数据库:SqlServer 2005 64位企业版 环境:SqlServer 2005 SSIS package 在SSIS的package中读取.xlsx文件,因为SQL SERVER 2005不支持直接读取此类文件,所以采取用'Microsoft.

解决Invalid VCS root mappings:The following directories are registered as VCS roots, but they are not:

错误信息: Invalid VCS root mappings The following directories are registered as VCS roots, but they are not: <Project>\firepig\firecontrol <Project>\firepig\firecontrol-audit-sqlop 不影响运行,看着难受。 解决

IDEA中xml文件引入schema约束报错:uri is not registered

解决方法: 复制报红的URI,在file->settings->languages & Frameworks->Schemas and DTDs中点击右下方的加号,将复制的URI输入

警告处理 A C3P0Registry mbean is already registered. This probably means that an application using c3p.

遇到完整的警告信息如下: WARN 2010-11-06 19:04:37,270 A C3P0Registry mbean is already registered. This probably means that an application using c3p0 was undeployed, but not all PooledDataSources were closed pr

idea的xml配置中url显示:URI is not registered ( Setting | Project Settings | Schemas and DTDs )

仅用于记录备忘,这个问题即使不处理好像也不影响系统的正常运行,看着不舒服 遇到如下图问题:   解决方式一:将报错的url添加到忽略项中 解决方式二:直接点击忽略,实质就是第一种方式

failed to decode cluster configuration data: no kind ClusterConfiguration is registered

kubeadm 执行 join 报如下错误: error execution phase preflight: unable to fetch the kubeadm-config ConfigMap: failed to decode cluster configuration data: no kind "ClusterConfiguration" is registered for ver

will not be managed by Spring 和was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not

原文地址:    在SpringMVC框架,事物管理杜绝出现 will not be managed by Spring  和was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active 否则M

ora.LISTENER.lsnr状态为Not All Endpoints Registered

客户的监控反馈有个监听无法连接,登录环境检查发现ora.LISTENER.lsnr的状态为Not All Endpoints Registered,如下 [root@db2 ~]#  crsctl status res -t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAM

Failed to launch ‘xxxxxx‘ because the scheme does not have a registered handler

错误原因 没写协议头 错误写法'albumEditorAdmin:8080/photoShop/PhotoShop') 正确写法'http://albumEditorAdmin:8080/photoShop/PhotoShop"') 参考 Failed to launch ‘xxxxxx‘ because the sch

注册CloudFlare添加域名提示 is not a registered domain

GitHubpages测试CDN加速 注册时遇到无法add site 我这里可能是解析的问题,把阿里云的记录类型从域名改成IP地址后成功解决

Java进阶:The driver is automatically registered via the SPI and manual loading of the driver class

问题 原因: 升级后的mysql驱动类,Driver位置由com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 变为com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver 解决方式: 将数据配置文件里driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver修改为如下driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver 先自我介绍一下,小编1

No source control providers registered

使用vscode时碰到这个问题 git扩展没启动