
兔子-(PHP 5.3 and above) Please set 'request_order' ini value to include C,G and P (recommended: 'CGP'

由于在PHP最新的版本中增加了一个配置项目“request_order”,默认值为“GP”,这个存在一定的安全风险。这里我们建议用户将配置更改为“CGP” 可以在php的安装目录下找到php.ini配置目录,找到下面选项: request_order = "GP"  更改为 request_order = "CGP"   重启服务器后即可。 此

ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=undefined (recommended setting)

一、问题:新版本Cordova 命令启动android应用报错 Android_SDK_Root 当前Cordova V11.0 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=undefined (recommended setting) 此问题原因是新版本的Cordova 编译需要制定Android_SDK_Root 环境变量,位置跟Android_Home相同 二、解决方案: 正确的配置

Validate Project Settings ,Update to recommended settings

报错: Validate Project Settings Update to recommended settings 解决: 1,双击报错 2,在弹出的页面允许修改。 参考:

HttpClient解决getResponseBodyAsString()报警告问题Using getResponseBodyAsStream instead is recommended

//5.读取内容//String responseMsg = postMethod.getResponseBodyAsString().trim();//########################################################////解决报警告的问题WARN : org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMe

Establishing SSL connection without server s identity verification is not recommended

Springboot-Mybatis 连接数据库 好久没用Springboot,今儿个用了下,在搭建数据库的时候发现: log框中提示: Wed Jun 03 23:41:30 CST 2020 WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended. Accor

解决WARN Establishing SSL connection without servers identity verification is not recommended问题

解决WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended...问题 一. 异常问题 我在intelliJ idea中进行SSM开发时,在连接mysql数据库的时候,产生了如下警告信息: Wed Jun 10 21:42:40 IRKT 2020 WARN: Est

Oracle:environment variable PATH does not exceed the recommended length

今天重新安装oracle11g,突然在检测时报了以下错误: Environment variable: "PATH" - This test checks whether the length of the environment variable "PATH" does not exceed the recommended length. 预期值  : 1023 实际值  :

remark #8291: Recommended relationship between field width ‘W‘ and the number of fractional digits ‘

remark #8291: Recommended relationship between field width ‘W’ and the number of fractional digits ‘D’ in this edit descriptor is ‘W>=D+7’. fortran .f 程序文件编译问题 remark #8291: Recommended relationship