

题目:学习putpixel画点。 There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence. The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are wo


这个是本人计算机图形学实验的期末大作业,老师规定不允许使用OpenGL库,只能使用graphics头文件下的putpixel( )来画犹他茶壶(Utah) 代码如下: #include <graphics.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>#include <math.h>#define Arc 3.14159265358979#define

SystemError: new style getargs format but argument is not a tuple[与putpixel(xy, value)相关]

今天,我在中国大学mooc中学习Python机器学习应用(礼欣、嵩天)里的降维处理人脸图像特征提取的时候,遇到了一点小问题,但是搜索了,网上很少有措施处理这个问题,对此,我做点小分享 首先,需要用到的图片是: import numpy as npimport PIL.Image as imagefrom sklearn.cluster import KMeansdef loadData(f