
MUSTer:Multi-Store Tracker:A Cognitive Psychology Inspired Approach to Object Tracking

题目:MUSTer:Multi-Store Tracker:A Cognitive Psychology Inspired Approach to Object Tracking 来源:CVPR 2015 创新点:在进行目标跟踪时,使用一种认知心理学的方法的启发式方法。 ICF:integrated correlation filter 本文采用一种认知心理学的方法设计了一种灵活的表示方法

哈佛大学公开课《Positive Psychology 1504》学习笔记 - Summary (最后一节课)

1    TOP Eleven 1504 Tips 1.1    The questions you ask 1    The questions you ask will very often determine the quest that you take. 2    And if we only ask the negative questions such as “Why d


psycho-/psych-+元音字母 =mind/breath/soul psycho  心理  精神病 psychology 心理学 psychopath  精神病患者 cognition(认知) For example, reasoning is a cognitive process, so it's perception.We use information that we pe