
DoNotRetryIOException: Compression algorithm 'lzo' previously failed test

Hbase 建表报错: Exception in thread "main" org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException: Compression algorithm 'lzo' previously failed test. Set hbase.tabl

【java】LinkageError之loader (instance of xxx) previously initiated loading for a different type

LinkageError包括其子类,是Java中比较不应该出现的Error。出现这些问题,大概有几个问题:ClassLoader没有严格遵守Java中默认的双亲委派模式;全限定名相同的两个类在不同的CL中有重复;程序运行时使用的类的版本与开发时候不一样(类有变化,比如改了方法的可见性等)。 而LinkageError本身则更少见。当遇到LinkageError loader (instanc

WARNING: The following packages were previously imported in this runtime: [certifi,tqdm] You must

目前的解决办法,在下面新建一个单元格,执行以下两行代码,会重启服务器,之前安装的库都还在。 import osos.kill(os.getpid(), 9)

The build space at ‘/home/abc/catkin_ws/build‘ was previously built by ‘catkin_make‘. Please remove

问题 使用catkin build时报错,出现 The build space at '/home/abc/catkin_ws/build' was previously built by 'catkin_make'. Please remove the build space or pick a different build space. 解决方法 输入 rm devel bui