1 前言 本文是介绍有关Outlet的文章,详情如下。 转载请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/developer_zhang 2 详述 2.1 原文 An outlet is a property that isannotated with the symbol IBOutlet and whose value you can set gra
拖xib显示报错: Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find any information for the class named "xxx”. 这是Xcode的自身问题 1. 重新将文件加入项目 操作步骤就是选中出问题的.m和.h文件,点删除键,然后选“Remove R
照猫画虎一两个程序后。也就是画了几个控件,可能会对例子中的一些陌生玩意儿产生疑惑,比如,什么是outlet. 什么是outlet? Apress的书有这么一句话: Absolutely right. Our controller class can refer to objects in the nib file by using a special kind of instance