
Codeforces Contest 1043 problem D —— Mysterious Crime —— 删除前后缀使得n个串相同

Acingel is a small town. There was only one doctor here — Miss Ada. She was very friendly and nobody has ever said something bad about her, so who could’ve expected that Ada will be found dead in her

J - Mysterious Bacteria

题目链接: 题目大意:给你一个数a,你要求出最大的一个数x,满足b的x次方等于a; 题解:根据算数基本定理,一个数可以分为a=p1^x1*p2^x2.......*pn^xn;所以算出x1,x2,.....,xn的最大公因子就行了,但是如果a为负数的情况下求出的x一定要为奇数,如果求出的是偶数,那么就要一

CF4D--Mysterious Present翻译

原题链接--  Mysterious Present  1000ms  65536K 描述: Peter decided to wish happy birthday to his friend from Australia and send

DAG上的动态规划——最长路CF4D Mysterious Present

CF4D Mysterious Present  用bool存储是否有边 题目链接 最长路例题 像这种DAG上的最短路 往往只需要记录是否存在边 故可以用bool节省空间,该题用bool就可以过 而用int就会MLE   // Decline is inevitable// Romance will last forever#include <bits/stdc++.h>#de

攻防世界re高手区 Mysterious WP

攻防世界re高手区 Mysterious WP 先查壳,帮助分析IDA32静态分析 先查壳,帮助分析 看完信息,丢进IDA32静态分析 IDA32静态分析 先shift+F12看看字符串看看有无提示信息 发现well done,于是大胆猜测,这段代码附近有flag出没,我们查看伪代码 果然有flag,只要解出v5,就是flag _itoa()是系统函数,百度,查到了它的

CF 4 D. Mysterious Present

题目:Mysterious Present 思路:类似于最长上升子序列,开始的时候自作聪明,以为是长和宽可以旋转的,= =  #include <cstdio>#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>#include <cstring>#include <queue>using namespace st

LightOJ - 1220 Mysterious Bacteria 唯一分解定理

Mysterious Bacteria 题目描述 Dr. Mob has just discovered a Deathly Bacteria. He named it RC-01. RC-01 has a very strange reproduction system. RC-01 lives exactly x days. Now RC-01 produces exactly p new d