
The version of CocoaPods used to generate the lockfile (1.2.1) is higher than the version of the cur

pod install的时候出现 The version of CocoaPods used to generate the lockfile (1.2.1) is higher than the version of the current executable (1.1.1). Incompatibility issues may arise. 解决: pod

【错误】You must use Bundler 2 or greater with this lockfile.

今天打开程序,报下面这个错误 $ bundle installYou must use Bundler 2 or greater with this lockfile. 这个错误的原因的bundler插件版本过低,可能是因为某些gem更新了,所以我们来安装更高版本的bundler插件,这样错误就解决了 $ gem install bundler -v2.0.2Fetching: bund

yarn install info No lockfile found

问题内容: ➜ vue-next git:(fe853a5a) npm install yarn -gchanged 1 package in 679ms➜ vue-next git:(fe853a5a) yarn install yarn install v1.22.17info No lockfile found.$ node ./scripts/preinstall

执行npm install时出现npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.

vscode 在package.json中增加private字段; 将项目声明为私有项目:"private": true, 再重新运行,notice就没有了