An internal error occurred during: "Launching New_configuration". Path for project must have only one segment. Project -> Properties -> Run/Debug Settings: 1. select "Launching New_configuration"
本人也是用As差不多不到时间,现在用的是2.0正式版本! 今天 我就是抽取了一个抽象方法,抽风的as 就报 Could not identify launch activity: Default Activity not found Error while Launching activity 这个,下宝宝一跳,各种撤回都不行,这可咋办,项目还要做不是,于是开启了 stackoverflow ,坑
问题描述: My android emulator is already running. But when i make some changes in my project and again run the project in progress bar it shows me launching delegate and stuck on 27%. and my eclipse als
An internal error occurred during: "Launching souvc on MyEclipse Tomcat 7". Cannot change deployment state from ERROR to REDEPLOYING. 解决方案:右键点击出错项目--->myeclipse选项中Add and MOve project ------>在man
环境:wind7,ie8,pydev+eclipse 问题:实例ie8时,报错: WebDriverException: Message: u'Unexpected error launching Internet Explorer. Protected Mode must be set to the same value (enabled or disabled) for all z
问题: 点击运行时eclipse报错如下: An internal error occurred during: "Launching New_configuration". Path for project must have only one segment. 具体如下图1: 点击上图OK后,Acitivity中setContentView(R.layout.main)会报
早上帮一台设备做了一个Ad Hoc包,忘了把证书修改回来,下午实机测试的时候发现程序老是一启动10秒左右就报告 error launching remote propram:failed to get the task for process 查来查去才发现是证书的问题,Ad Hoc证书可以进入调试模式,但是过一段时间又会强制退出,苹果真是够坑爹的。