
the selection cannot be launched,and there are no recent launches

刚学android开发,运行项目是提示 the selection cannot be launched,and there are no recent launches 经过百度之后, 处理方法: 第一步: 进入工程——>properties-->run/debug setting  删除所有 第二步: 点击运行那个小三角,进行Android配置 选择

android library projects cannot be launched解决办法

properties 在android选项中将 is library中将前面的勾去了

How can you catch a process that is about to be launched, if you don’t know the PID yet?

文章目录 引言I、Attaching with LLDB1.1 debugserver1.2 Attaching to an existing process1.3 Attaching to a future process 引言 How can you catch a process that is about to be launched, if you don’t kno

The Simulator can't be launched because it is already in use.

The Simulator can't be launched because it is already in use的解决方法: 1,退出模拟器; 2,强制退出xcode; 3,重启xcode; 原帖:

mycat 启动报错 The Mycat-server service was launched, but failed to start.

报错时,首先找到mycat目录下的log文件夹  再点击文件夹中的wrapper.log文件,找到最近的一次启动时报错的位置  我遇到的问题是Caused by: io.mycat.config.util.ConfigException: SelfCheck### schema TEST refered by user root is not exist! 此问题的第一个解决方法是s

The nexus service was launched, but failed to start.报错分析

先进入到日志目录nexus-2.14.4-03\logs\wrapper.log下,查看错误信息,主要是没找到本地的jdk 进入nexus-2.14.4-03\bin\jsw\conf\wrapper.conf,找到此处修改成自己的jdk路径 修改完毕,在bin目录下重新输入nexus start,启动成功 浏览器中输入:http://localhost:8081/nexus/ 点击右上角log

MapReduce 作业状态卡死 ACCEPTED: waiting for AM container to be allocated, launched and register with RM.

前言:配置好了yarn后,跑wordcount的例子,但是一直未完成。web页面查看任务状态为:ACCEPTED: waiting for AM container to be allocated, launched and register with RM. 在web页面查看其状态,如果active nodes为0,首先考虑是nodemanager没有正常启动。(下图是已经正常启动后,完成